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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Top Opinions About Pope Benedict’s Resignation

Pope Benedict’s surprising abdication inspired some thoughtful commentary on his legacy and the papacy in general. Did we miss one? Share those that caught your attention in the comment section.
“The Pope’s Legacy” in America: The National Catholic Review

Who: Rev. James Martin, Jesuit priest and editor-at-large

The Idea: While John Paul II felt that staying in his position in the face of his declining health was a testament to the suffering of the human condition, Pope Benedict XVI determined that his advanced age was preventing him from doing his job properly in a time of “rapid changes.” Neither decision is wrong, but just a different interpretation of God’s plan. Father Martin goes on to say that while Pope Benedict will likely be remembered for his “newsworthy” acts — most notably his efforts to strengthen the orthodoxy of the church — his books on Jesus will provide his “lasting legacy.”

Sum-it-up Quote: “Far more people will most likely read those moving testaments to the person who is at the center of his life—Jesus of Nazareth—than may read all of his encyclicals combined.”

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