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Sunday, February 03, 2013

Sussex Set To Condemn Land Near Airport

Jan Fraipont says she just wants a fair deal from Sussex County. A Sussex County attorney says Fraipont is getting a reasonable offer.

The final resolution may be decided in Superior Court: a condemnation hearing on Fraipont's land scheduled in March.

Fraipont's eight-acre home in Georgetown is near the Sussex County airport, and part of her land will lie in the fly-zone when the county airport runway is extended. “I've been told so many different things over the past nine years,” she said. “I want to be treated in a fair way when they are trying to throw me under the bus.”



  1. I think she is getting hosed. But thats what the government does when they want what you have. And I hate that they can condem property at their will when there is no reason.

  2. How thoroughly disgusting and overwhelming sad for this woman. 23 years of investing in a property to be stolen from you by your own local government. Although they state they have no use for the full property they are lying. Plus clear cutting her property and its proximity to the extension will more than diminish the value of her property by more than half. She is correct, she will not be able to sell it. I was appalled by their claim that giving her fair value for the full property would be a "waste of taxpayer funds" . Who cares if they screw her out of money/value/security. Plus it should be fully revealed in court that they eventually plan on using her full property for expansion. It no wonder politicians need armed guards for protection. Its no wonder people are pushed over the edge. WTF is wrong with people. A disgusting display of greed and lack of compassion. How do these slime balls sleep at night?

  3. These airports keep getting grants to expand but I dont see any more business coming.

  4. Can she prove that her property should not to be condemned? That it's viable? I'd fight till it killed me if I were she!

  5. Eminent domain. Nobody actually owns anything with gov't able to take your stuff.

  6. You dont get the same amount of money for an "easement" as you do for fee simple. It is usually about 10 percent. Many people see a goldmine if government needs land for constrution of roadways etc. but an easement usually means that your property will not be adversely affected. 60 to 90k per acre is way too much in these times.


  7. Buy half, and the other half loses value! DUH! I see this coming a mile away! Give her the million and buy the the whole property.


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