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Sunday, February 03, 2013


Family disintegration has hurt America

COMMUNITY LEADERS across the U.S. find themselves struggling with rampant tardiness, high truancy rates, high dropout rates, low educational attainment, widespread drug addiction, crime, a degraded work force and more.
It’s as if society is disintegrating.

That’s because many poor American families have.

Some social scientists contend that War on Poverty programs intended to help the poor actually led to what they call “family disintegration” instead.

“The core feature of the U.S. welfare system, and its central problem, is that it subsidizes and thus promotes self-destructive behavior,” the Heritage Foundation said in a 1995 briefing paper. “Specifically, the welfare system promotes: non-work, illegitimacy and divorce.”

The current system “transformed marriage from a legal institution designed to protect and nurture children into an institution that financially penalizes nearly all low-income parents who enter into it,” the foundation said.

In 2011, almost 41 percent of children born in the United States were born to unmarried women.

This has consequences.
“Welfare insidiously creates its own clientele; by undermining work ethic and family structure, the welfare state generates a growing population in ‘need of aid.’”



  1. I agree with the importance, but I think we need to not make the single parent feel even worse. Anyone can complain, but let's be better and reach out a Christian hand to them.

  2. Perhaps minority communities need to encourage their members to have fewer children since society's resources to feed, house, clothe and educate millions of families on welfare are being strained to the breaking point.

  3. I think we need to encourage anyone who is at this point in their lives not self suffient to put off having children and esp drill it into our young ladies' heads that not having gas money nor even a car, not having extra money in your pocket at all times, moving from rental to rental, etc is not a nice way to live.

  4. Statistics in U.S. for last year regarding babies born out of wedlock:

    Caucasian- 29%
    Latino- 53%

    Welfare benefits need to be capped at 2 or 3 children. The rest of us don't get more money from our employers just because we have more kids. Why do those on welfare get paid to reproduce?

  5. I think crime stats are the exact same percentage 9:05, what a coincidence.


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