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Friday, February 15, 2013

Revealed: Trash Cans And Sinks Of Human Waste, Feces-Smeared Walls And Mushy Floors Inside The 'Hunger Games-Like' Carnival Cruise Ship

Tales of the repulsive conditions on board the ill-fated Carnival cruise ship began to emerge today as exhausted passengers disembarked late on Thursday night.

Guests spoke of the gruesome ordeal after enduring five days of overflowing toilets, mushy floors, food shortages and stomach-churning odors.

Passengers described to relatives and the media via cellphone the conditions on board the Triumph where cabins had raw sewage running down the walls and interior passages sloshed with waste.



  1. Sounds like they might need to sell that boat for scrap

  2. Mmm , it would seem that a trash can could do the job of a toilet.
    Must have been a lot of idiots on the ship of fools.
    Suck it up and move on you spoiled bratts.

  3. February 16, 2013 at 6:35 AM

    Geesh, you are one ignorant person.

  4. Atleast the ship didn't go down, make the best of it. Nothing in life is guaranteed.

  5. The world, or at least Americans, have turned into a bunch of pansies. Wow....toilets that don't work and cold sandwiches for a couple of days. Suck it up.

  6. Seems to me they would have sent boats to get everyone off the ship as quickly as possible...would have saved them from cleaning up all that mess not to mention the well being of their customers.

  7. Now Carnival and the media will make a freak show out of the one person (thus far)who has sued.I was hoping that at least 10% would sue.That would put the attention on the problem itself vs just a couple of people.If the media and Carnival singled me out I would capitalize on it fully &get my 15 minutes.This poor soul will be backed into a corner & made to look like a fool.

  8. Give a whole new meaning to the term "Poop Deck"

  9. 12:14~~ You are what's wrong with this country. SUE SUE SUE!Always looking for a fast buck! They were compensated fairly.

  10. My goodness , I didn't have running water or a toilet in my house . Please people , the worse is yet to come , get used to it.
    put a clothespin on your nose , and dump your trash can full of crap.
    My , my , go shopping at your local mall and forget about it. Don't be such dramma kings and queens.
    Do like the muslims do and whipe with your fingers.

  11. Hopefully all aboard the ship were Obama voters

  12. I am not going to be nasty to the people who went through an ordeal like this however I have a question. Were their wild monkeys running loose smearing feces on the walls? If not it someone's fault and that's self inflicked Gross

  13. Carnival forgot to tell everyone that this was the survival cruise.They were supposed to fashion spears from whatever was available and spear fish to eat.It would have made one heck of a reality show.

  14. Everyone wants everthing cheap and this is what happens. All Carnivals ships are flagged in either the Bahamas or Panama. Different standards so things like fires are bound to happen.

  15. My wife and I was on a cruise a few years ago, in the Caribbean. Cancun and Conzumel was on the itenirary but a Hurricane came up. We had to sail away from Mexico. Went to Aruba, just for a few hours, and then sailed toward the Bahamas. Sit out in the Ocean for two day then couldn't get back into Ft. Everglades. Had to dock in Miami and take a bus to Ft. Lauderdale. We had depleted the supply of bananas. I know, I know it was as bad a all this but "things" happen. Go with the flow.


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