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Saturday, February 16, 2013


‘HB-104: Promoting a More Business Friendly State’(Annapolis) -- “If the governor is serious about growing business, let’s start by saving the ones that are here. HB-104 provides for penalty forgiveness on first time offenses of minor violations of the code. After all, the point is to make the corrections, not tax our hard working business owners through a system of petty fines and overregulation” said Delegate Mike McDermott (R- Worcester & Wicomico) when discussing his proposed bill, HB-104.

HB - 104, entitled ‘Occupational Safety and Health - Good Faith Actions by Business Owners - Penalty Forgiveness,’ prevents the Commissioner of Labor from charging a civil penalty, or fine, against an employer who unintentionally violates the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act. Penalty forgiveness will only be given to employers for non-serious violations. Under this bill, the employer will still receive a citation regarding the violation, but will not receive a civil penalty when the violation is not willful or repetitive, the violation is not serious, and the employer corrects the violation within the timeframe set in the citation.

“It’s tough being a business owner in Maryland, and it is getting tougher to recruit new businesses into our state. The restrictions imposed on both small businesses and major manufacturing giants bring Red tape that costs business owners precious capital they need to maintain their viability during tough financial times. Penalizing and fining these hard working folks for minor violations that can be immediately corrected does not make us a very business friendly state.” concluded Delegate McDermott.

Delegate Mike McDermott’s bill, HB 104, was heard in the Economic Matters Committee on February 12th.

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