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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Jake Day Vows To Restore Pride, Partnership To Salisbury

“I am energized and encouraged by the positive investment so many people have made in Salisbury over the past months,” said Jake Day. This election was about changing the culture of negativity, discord and pessimism in City government. “Tonight is only the beginning. The people of Salisbury sent a clear message to the City Council that they are ready for a new direction.”

“I want to thank with all my heart the volunteers, supporters and voters that made tonight possible. You uplifted the spirit of this city and it will endure. I also want to thank Jack Heath and Debbie Campbell for their investment of time and energy in this election." We will restore partnership to Salisbury’s City government and we will restore pride and prosperity to Salisbury.


  1. Folks...listen to Laura's rant at the last work session and Shanie, too. Campbell isn't the problem. Please, lisyen. You pwe it to yourselves.

  2. To the voters of Salisbury...you deserve just what you're voting for and you're going to get it. Lord, this city is full of idiots! Joe, if I were you, I would withdraw immediately, and Terri & Tim, resign today and give the city to these idiots. Joe, Terri, Debbie and Tim, you've done GREAT work! I thank you! However, we're outnumbered by uninformed ignorant voters. Give them what they want. We'll all survive and likely prosper. Intelligent people will rise above, no matter what, the stupidity of the masses brings down on us. Absolutely loved the BIG voter turn out in our minority district...didn't you? Can't wait to see Laura Mitchell, subsidized housing queen and all around ass as our next city council president. Also looking forward to waterfront property for our next residents of government subsidized housing. I am just sick, on a local level and national level. What the hell is wrong with people today?

  3. I am ready to volunteer for Debbie and send her a contribition. I should have done it sooner. Those of us that she stands up for every day failed her. Let's turn the tide. Day told whoever he was talking to what they wanted to heae, even when it wasn't the truth. Debbie has a sound record of voting for what's right. It will take Day about a day to go tjrough the $million that Debbie's saved us this year.

  4. Anon 9:21 The citizen have spoken. The train is departing, please get on or you will be left at the station.

  5. Problem with democracy, mediocrity rules. Guess he's finally found a job.

  6. Another election won by lies.

    Who do you report the abuse of military uniform to? Day is active and should not be using it for his campaign.

    Mr. Day, your failure to hold the people accountable for "the culture of negativity, discord and pessimism" -- i.e., your friends and supporters Laura Mitchell, Jim Ireton and Shanie Shields -- is dishonorable in my opinion. If you witness someone being bullied, do you egg the bully on? It would appear so.

  7. Congrats Mr. Day. I am, and will continue to be a Campbell supporter, largely due to her diligent concern for the taxpayer.

    As for you, the numbers don't lie- you received immense support for a primary in the 'Bury.

    I have a question for you-If you are elected, how much will my taxes go up as a city homeowner? 10%? 50%? Will you give a damn about the taxpayers of this city?

  8. if Day is active he is violating the law you are not allowed to use you position in the military in any political platform as a mater of fact someone needs to read the manual of what you can do and what you can not do so if he is active he needs to resign his commission or drop out of the race read the UCMJ

  9. People you know not what you have done! but you will reap higher taxes and more turmoil than you have seen yet, your property values will fall even lower, and you will have lost any hope for more business to Salisbury.

  10. Day Spoke at the last Chamber lunch and stated that he is National Guard and not active military.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    To the voters of Salisbury...you deserve just what you're voting for and you're going to get it. Lord, this city is full of idiots! Joe, if I were you, I would withdraw immediately, and Terri & Tim, resign today and give the city to these idiots. Joe, Terri, Debbie and Tim, you've done GREAT work! I thank you! However, we're outnumbered by uninformed ignorant voters. Give them what they want. We'll all survive and likely prosper. Intelligent people will rise above, no matter what, the stupidity of the masses brings down on us. Absolutely loved the BIG voter turn out in our minority district...didn't you? Can't wait to see Laura Mitchell, subsidized housing queen and all around ass as our next city council president. Also looking forward to waterfront property for our next residents of government subsidized housing. I am just sick, on a local level and national level. What the hell is wrong with people today?

    February 27, 2013 at 9:39 AM

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Jake might be a "nice" guy, but his alliance with Laura Mitchell, Chook Cook and Jim Ireton have done it for me. I have followed his comments and "Likes" on Facebook and he has constantly attacked Mrs. Campbell and the owner of this blog. He is constantly posting and liking negativity on Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton's FB page. He is another Louise Smith without a clue. Jim Ireton will use him if he is elected and the City will continue to fail.

  12. I echo what an earlier commenter suggested. The people that Debbie Campbell works so hard for failed her. This was a pathetic turnout during this election and the lazy voters should be ashamed of themselves. There is still time to save this city but the lazy ones need to wake up and get out to vote. They also need to work their butts off for Joe and Debbie or this city is doomed to fail.

  13. Can we put a sign wave together for Joe and Debbie? Get all of their supporters together and show just how much support we have!

  14. Its funny to me that so many of you subscribe to this "vote my way or you must be an idiot" mantra. Seems to me that if you could debate your political stance with something more than "you're a stupid head" more people might tend to agree with your view.

  15. People, why all the hate? I can't believe some of the commnets on a person who hasn't done anything yet.

  16. Nice job Jake. Looking forward to some positive and progressive thinkers and doers on City Council.

  17. lolol... Jake has never attacked anyone on Facebook. I'm a Facebook friend of his. He never said a negative word about Debbie, Joe or anybody else. This is just funny.

  18. By the way - UCMJ only applies to Title 10 and it would matter - UCMJ doesn't have a single word in it about photos existing of a candidate in uniform. If it did, Tim Spies would have been toast. Also, it helps to look things up before you write things.

  19. Rich landlords plus those who want things for free will spell the end of the middle class in Salisbury.

  20. What a crock of stuff! Tell me , who pays a redevelopment activist?

    Tell us, are his pants on fire?

  21. I don't live in the city limits but I have business there where I own the properties and pay my taxes and utilities. Why can't I vote in city elections? I know this probably sounds like a stupid question, but I have a special interest in what goes on in our city just as the others who are in the same boat as me.

  22. I have known this guy and his family for a long time. Don't fall for the "he is a nice guy" mantra. Big mistake people. He is financed by outsiders who have one thing in mind. Controlling the rental industry. He will fight with the good members of the city council just like Laura Mitchell is doing.

    Give Debbie a chance and let's try to rescue her campaign.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Anon 9:21 The citizen have spoken. The train is departing, please get on or you will be left at the station.

    February 27, 2013 at 9:44 AM

    I wouldn't bank on that. Only 803 votes isn't enough to speak for the "citizen." We still have a General Election and that is where it matters. If the voters come out to vote like they have in the past they will clean Day's clock.

  24. Anonymous said...
    Day Spoke at the last Chamber lunch and stated that he is National Guard and not active military.

    February 27, 2013 at 10:10 AM

    Was Debbie Campbell given the opportunity to speak at the a Chamber luncheon/meeting?

  25. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    lolol... Jake has never attacked anyone on Facebook. I'm a Facebook friend of his. He never said a negative word about Debbie, Joe or anybody else. This is just funny.

    February 27, 2013 at 10:48 AM

    So am I and I follow his comments. they are done on other FB pages now go back to sleep.

  26. Anonymous said...
    Rich landlords plus those who want things for free will spell the end of the middle class in Salisbury.

    February 27, 2013 at 11:13 AM

    True words have been spoken.

  27. Anon 10:48 Absolutely correct!

  28. I am very worried about the "partnerships" this young man wants to resurrect. Partnership means a give and take. The city's previous partners (the ones who will be welcomed by him) have lined a more than a few pockets with tax money.

    In a word, he is corruptible, whether through naivete, mania or personal preference.

  29. 10:10
    The chamber invited all 6 candidates to speak. 5 of those candidates took them up on the offer and each had about 10 minutes to present their ideas for the coming years in Salisbury. And yes, Debbie was there.

  30. I don't live in the city of Salisbury, but just watching from the outside I can't believe how many people voted for Jake Day. How could you not want Debbie Campbell's knowledge & experience on the council. It's mind-boggling and scary.

  31. The same way DAY Won because people want change, Is the reason people want change from the MAYORS office too.

  32. Anon 1050
    Try again where do you think title 10 is the only item covered by the UCMJ but that's beside the point since he is National Guard it don't apply but i don't think you should use you position to try to influence votes if you want votes use yourself and what you stand for not the uniform

  33. And this is exactly why I left Saliabury a few years ago! Delmar is a stone throw away with a much better quality of life. All are welcome except troyble makers who can just stay in Salisbury.

  34. 2.6.4. All members of the Armed Forces, includi
    ng AD members, members of the RC not on
    AD, and retired members, are prohibited from we
    aring military uniforms at political campaign or
    election events (references (k-o) apply). This pr
    ohibition is not applicable to the provision of
    joint Armed Forces color guards at the opening ce
    remonies of the national conventions of the
    Republican, Democratic, and other
    political parties formally recognized by the Federal Election

  35. There sure is a whole lot of crabbing going on in here. If you people turned out votes as well as you gripe maybe Day wouldn't have won by a 2/3 margin. To be clear here, if EVERY SINGLE VOTER who cast a ballot for Heath broke to Campbell, Day still wins in a landslide. But you all go ahead and keep up the good work.

  36. That is also why you never see the joint military staff clap or stand for an ovation during the state of the union address. They are not allowed.

  37. 1:04 The ones making all the noise on here don't even live in the city.

  38. This is so great. I'm loving the negativity. Everyone who votes made clear they're tired of it, but here in Debbie Campbell's echo chamber - you're keeping it alive. Stay on it DC supporters! We're as done with you as we are DC.

  39. UCMJ doesn't apply to Title 32, but it doesn't even matter- he never appeared in uniform for anything political ever at anytime.

  40. The guy makes his money peddling Agenda 21 (look it up) and chooses an out of town company to do his website. Neither action shows that he cares about building up Salisbury.

  41. The header to this post was the exact same mantra as Louise Smith and Laura Mitchell, good luck Salisbury, civility my back side.

  42. "We will restore the pride and prosperity to Salisbury"- what is your EXACT plan?

    What does this mean? Who will prosper here: Barry, Dunn landlords?

    Where is the meat, Jake?

  43. He is acting like he is already elected. Wake up and smell the coffee Jake. It was the Primary Election, not the General Election. Duh!

  44. The meat is coming. Served with the sides and dessert.

  45. Anonymous said...
    Its funny to me that so many of you subscribe to this "vote my way or you must be an idiot" mantra. Seems to me that if you could debate your political stance with something more than "you're a stupid head" more people might tend to agree with your view.

    February 27, 2013 at 10:38 AM

    Can you please explain what exactly you are trying to say!

  46. Anonymous said...
    I don't live in the city limits but I have business there where I own the properties and pay my taxes and utilities. Why can't I vote in city elections? I know this probably sounds like a stupid question, but I have a special interest in what goes on in our city just as the others who are in the same boat as me.

    February 27, 2013 at 11:36 AM

    Sounds to me like you are in the Slum Lord business!

  47. Anonymous BKLN said...
    The same way DAY Won because people want change, Is the reason people want change from the MAYORS office too.

    February 27, 2013 at 12:35 PM

    You are confused because the people that voted for Day came for the Jim Ieton and Chuck Camp. Get a clue. Debbie was forgotten and didn't campaign. She has time to regain and get her message out. The biggest problem in this city election is the rental industry and people who don't vote. Lazy and pathetic.

  48. Anonymous said...
    There sure is a whole lot of crabbing going on in here. If you people turned out votes as well as you gripe maybe Day wouldn't have won by a 2/3 margin. To be clear here, if EVERY SINGLE VOTER who cast a ballot for Heath broke to Campbell, Day still wins in a landslide. But you all go ahead and keep up the good work.

    February 27, 2013 at 1:04 PM

    You are correct, but the actual turnout was horrible. Kudo's to Day for getting 803 votes but they were from crooks like Barrie Parsons Tilghman, Matt Tilghman, Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton. There was also a lot of lies and misleading information out there.

  49. 4:50, he's saying that you might win more people to your side by using facts and logic to support your argument, rather than by resorting to insults

  50. Thank you 524! I'll also throw in maybe you (the usual crowd on this blog) should:

    -research the facts BEFORE coming to a conclusion
    -judge issues based on ALL the facts, not just those that are convenient to your predetermined stance
    -step off your ideological pedestal and realize that people who are equally or even more intelligent than you can and will disagree with your stance at times

  51. You are correct, but the actual turnout was horrible. Kudo's to Day for getting 803 votes but they were from crooks like Barrie Parsons Tilghman, Matt Tilghman, Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton. There was also a lot of lies and misleading information out there.
    February 27, 2013 at 5:03 PM

    Yep 803 crooks went to the poles just to vote for Day and the other 11,000 plus eligible voters don't care who runs Salisbury. I am more incline to think the lies and misleading information was found only in comments on the Salisbury News blog.

  52. 10:50, Tim Spies would not have been toast. He is and was RETIRED at the time.


  53. 726, I really have to agree with you. 11,000 people showed they actually don't care, and failed to even show. What a complete shame! And with the lackluster turnout, 11,000 residents are admitting that all the hard work and honesty Ms. Campbell has ground out to protect our interests and save taxpayer money is worthless, and letting SAPOA back in to run the city is a good thing!
    The results of the primary election shows their power in point blank terms. It's time 11,000 voters took back their city.
    Debbie's work can be viewed on PAC 14's website and older archives are there as well. Look at her in action, and you will vote for her, not a "New Face".
    Get a grip, Salisbury. It's your election to lose.

  54. With the constant backstabbing by all parties can you blame people for not voting? Everyone is a crook or a liar and if you buy what's being sold we are stupid. Let them all drown. Trying to give mouth to mouth to bring this city back to life is like giving mouth to mouth to a body that's been floating face down in the Wicomico river for three days!

  55. 8:57, not everyone is a crook or a liar. Campbell, Spies and Cohen all live in older homes, not McMansions. They have always answered my questions straight up. I may not agree with them on everything, but they have never lied and don't deserve the bum treatment they've gotten.

  56. If you want to eliminate discord on the council, get rid of Shanie Shields and recall Laura Mitchell.

    Also get rid of Day's idol, Jim Liarton.

    Thank you to the lady who wrote the letter about what she witnessed at that meeting.

  57. Joe, I'm sitting here with my morning coffee and realized why this headline bothered me.

    I had deja vu to Mike Dunn's election.

    Same vow, different Day.

    We all know how that Dream worked out.

  58. Restore pride in Salisbury? The mayor already has "Gay Pride".

  59. The Times stated that there was a very low turn out for this election. How really wants to go just vote for a council position. These elections should be tied in with the mayor's election also. I have voted for 45 years. I have reached a point where I do not believe anything anyone says to get elected. We are promised much, but after election, they vote for their interest not ours. We voters have lost all faith in our elected officials.

  60. 9:23, Debbie Campbell has never voted for any interest but the people's.

    She has always tried to do the right thing.


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