4 Things You Can Do Right Now To Save A Ton Of Money
Most of our posts discuss the ways that people spend money and things that they’ve spent their money on: discount shopping, paying bills, banking, full-body lattes, and so on. Ways to save money lead to much less interesting headlines, but are a key way to slim down your budget. Or to save up for a fun new gadget. We don’t judge. But what can you do, right now, to keep more of your money in your pockets? Trent over at The Simple Dollar has four, well, simple ideas that you can start doing this very afternoon. Keep up these habits and they might change your financial situation for the rest of your life.
1. Cut the cord. Have cable or satellite? Cancel it. Keep the internet access and use your antenna and streaming to catch your favorite shows. Does that sound too painful? Maybe you’d rather…
Move from Maryland. Number one answer