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Friday, February 08, 2013

Elected Officials Are Fundamentally Dishonest

To the Editor:

This letter was forwarded to Barack Obama, John Boehner, Chris Murphy, Dick Blumenthal, Elizabeth Esty, and Harry Reid

I live in Sandy Hook , CT. My family and close friends weren't harmed on December 14. That day impacted 26 families with an indescribable, staggering pain and anguish. For most of Sandy Hook , it merely affected us with an inescapable intensity of sadness and grief.

Gun control has long been a focus of many in this country. Though I'm not knowledgeable of all the nuances of the Second Amendment, based on the Founding Fathers' circumstances, it had far more to do with enabling the citizenry to protect themselves against tyrannical government than against local psychopaths. It is about providing a balanced firepower so when King George's successor came knocking on your door, you could fight back. Government today is no less inclined to abuse its authority than it was then. Based on the absurd and ongoing power grab that is present day Washington , it's as threatening as ever.

That so many of you view the NRA with its resistance to further restrictions on firearms as intransigent lunatics has far more to do with how you conduct yourselves in office than it does with the NRA's actions.

You in public office are fundamentally dishonest people. You lead lives of deception at every turn, structuring your lives as comfortably as you can while governing with an indifference and arrogance that is absolutely maddening. When the country is reeling from financial disaster, you waste a trillion dollars on a health care bill we can't afford and you've never read. You claim it's critical because health care costs are killing this country... no they're not, you are! You are killing this country. You endorse the ongoing slaughter of millions of unborn children and whine when terrorists are water boarded. You can't lecture us right in Newtown High School about not doing enough to keep our children safe, while simultaneously slaughtering the unborn. You fabricate the intense, media laden drama of the fiscal cliff and lack the courage to do anything about truly reforming the obscene gluttony of government. You know you'll be out of office before the bill comes due… you don't care and have no integrity nor honor.

You lie whenever and wherever you need to to move forth your agenda. Were you able, you would purge the US of guns… every last gun in the country, if you could. So please forgive Wayne LaPierre and those of us who don't trust you as far as we can spit. You're a dishonest lot, motivated by a distorted worldview. If mass murder prevention were truly your goal, you would welcome armed security wherever needed. It is outrageous that we protect our money with far more firepower than we protect our children.

I have never owned a gun, nor wanted to as intensely as right now. You'll stop restricting guns when only you have them.

Brendan Duffy
4 Chestnut Knoll Drive
Sandy Hook 
January 8, 2013


  1. Spot on Mr. Duffy.
    Spot on.

  2. he just said the truth!

  3. Well said Mr. Duffy!!
    Thank you for your honesty and heart felt letter.

  4. Very well said. Thank you Mr. Duffy

  5. couldn't have said it better myself.

  6. Just goes to show there are wing nuts and idiots everywhere.

  7. That applies to our local politicians, so don't be naive people!
    Usually the bs that comes out of their mouths is exactly that--->BS!!!

  8. this is a great letter from a patriot who truly understands what it means to be an American Citizen. thank you Mr. Duffy.

    this letter should be published in every dying newspaper across the nation. it should be on all the social media sites and shared with all our contacts.

    10:57; if you're saying we who agree with Mr. Duffy are idiots and wingnuts; you have major intellect problems. you probably need to get some real education. if i've misunderstood your comment; please forgive.

  9. this is so true! why doesn't everyone see it? it's so obvious!!

  10. This is one fine letter. Our dishonest government will never have the courage to read on it. I would love to see this read on FOX news!

  11. Anonymous said...
    That applies to our local politicians, so don't be naive people!
    Usually the bs that comes out of their mouths is exactly that--->BS!!!

    February 8, 2013 at 11:39 AM

    Can you say Jim Ireton!

  12. Bravo Mr. Duffy. Can't understand why the liberal nuts can't see this.

  13. Thank you for writing Mr. Duffy. Sorry you have now made the CIA's watchlist. Good luck in the future.


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