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Friday, February 08, 2013

Eastern Shore Farmer, Perdue Seek Attorney's Fees

The lawsuit may be over, but the bitter legal battle continues.

Lawyers for poultry producer Perdue and an Eastern Shore farmer are asking a federal judge to award them more than $3 million in attorneys' fees and expenses from the Waterkeeper Alliance, the New York-based environmental group that failed to prove they were polluting a Chesapeake Bay tributary.

Pointing to written comments by the deciding judge that were critical of the plaintiffs' motives and the strength of their case, the successful defendants contend they're justified in seeking reimbursement for a case they argued should never have gotten that far.



  1. It should be 30 million to put them in their place.

  2. Amen, 9:32! As much crap as the Hudson's had to go through because of them they should!

  3. I think getting reimbursed for the legal expense is due both Perdue and the Hudson family, in as much as the Alliance got free legal advise courtesy of Maryland Law School. Secondly, the Hudson family DOES need to be compensated for the grief caused by the Alliance. Finally, it is my understanding the Alliance is associatied with an outfit that is New York based. When they clean up the Hudson and East Rivers surrounding that Sh*t hole called NYC, then and only then can they come to the shore to create havoc.

  4. Hope justice prevails in the case. The liberal tree hugging enviromentalist wackos care not about the enconomic impact of their idiotic decisions - look at the Keystone pipeline.

  5. I hope they get it. Those outsiders need to mind their own business. I am sick and tired of Left Wing Nuts trampling on our rights!

  6. God bless our farmers.....get all you can for these people!!!!!

  7. This will also play out for developers and businesses who want to build on their land because its about controlling what you do with your own land.

  8. What Perdue has done for our community is indescribable.3 million is not enough.I agree with the $30 million comment.Many farms and families would be impoverished were it not for Perdue.

  9. I can tell you categorically - they will never recoup any legal fees.

    Having personally read virtually every MD civil case Applellate Report briefs beginning back in the the 1940s to present - very seldom does the Court award attorney's fees to plaintiffs who do not prevail. The chances of the defendent recouping any legal fees is less than 1%.

    This has been an ongoing argument here in the US almost as long as the oldest profession itself - (prostitution).

    You see - either way of the outcome of the case - the real winners are the lawyers. And who are the judges who preside over these cases - former lawyers. It will never happen here in the US - at least not until there is adequate tort reform. And I do not see that happening either as many of the legislators are also former and/or current lawyers.

    So who loses - we the citizens and that is just the way it is here in America. And that is also the primary reason most of the reputable businesses have exodus this country.

  10. It will never happen here in America.

  11. Loser pays should be the law.Especially when the legal costs might be passed along to the consumers.

  12. You are 100% correct 3:44. The reason given is something along the lines of "the price of doing business."
    Besides I think the court is going to find it a bit disingenuous (Hudson's claim) due to the fact that donations were secured to pay for defense.
    Just my opinion though I do think there needs be tort reform related to attorney's fees when plaintiff doesn't prevail.

  13. @3:44 It will happen when the congress votes for term limits...12th of never.


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