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Friday, February 15, 2013

3rd Friday Downtown Around 6 PM


  1. Dang, I'm heading out now! Look at the fun everybody's having on a 62 degree day in FEBRUARY! I'd hate to see it on a bad weather day!

  2. So...what's up with third Friday?

  3. This is really sad. That plaza should be hopping for a downtown event. When is Ireton going to get it that everyone isn't into an arts only 3rd Friday. We need and all inclusive Friday Night event. Joe when you become Mayor we can start a First Friday and make it more attractive to everyone instead of the eclectic Rehoboth Beach type people that Jim Ireton is trying to draw to Salisbury. They can keep their 3rd Friday, but no city employees or city tax dollars will be used.

    What a waste 3rd Friday has become. This is the main reason I am against the River's Edge condo's being built for the arts and entertainment crowd. This is a classic example why it will be a failure and it will turn into low income housing and rentals. 3rd Friday is a complete failure just like our current mayor is.

  4. No one wants to be outside in winter

  5. I do not feel comfortable at this event. 3rd Friday is designed for one crowd and one crowd only and that is the arts crowd. That is such a small part of our society and has proven to be a complete failure to attract crowds. If you think about it most arts and entertainment people are the eclectic and mostly gay crowd. This is why Jim Ireton likes it so much. He is trying to turn Salisbury into a town just like Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Most First Friday events in other cities is all inclusive and always a drawing card to bring people downtown. The arts vendors are just a small part of that event and this is why our 3rd Friday is a complete failure. Change it now or quit investing money on it.

  6. There is absolutly nothing appealing about any Friday downtown.

  7. At least it's clean. I remember so vividly the first trip we made to Disneyland...How clean the streets were.

  8. We need national sponsors and a Freemont street type attraction / covering.

  9. Funny, I was out there around 7pm and the plaza was quite crowded.

  10. It's a shame but an obvious sign that it's time to come up with a new concept if this event is to survive.

  11. 6:59, Disneyland is not a real city.

    I remember so vividly the first trip I made to NYC...how dirty the streets were. And how vibrant and full of life. Sadly I don't see anyone using those words to describe downtown Salisbury, now or in the future.


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