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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Today's Survey Question

Do you think it's rude to campaign or sign wave on Sundays?


  1. No, but I don't want any knocking on my door on Sunday afternoons.

  2. I've helped before, I think we laid off on Sundays though.

  3. Yes for most people Sundays are a day they spend with family. I don't like getting phone calls for people trying to sell me things on Sunday either.

  4. It was just to cold for any of that this weekend.

  5. Rude is not the word I would use. However I think it is best not to.

  6. Probably if done after church services and the Sunday prior to the actual election, would be okay.

  7. lets just say It would be wise not to campaign on Sunday!!

  8. You can visit us anytime.

  9. Many voting tax paying citizens like me have to work Sundays. It's one of seven. Every vote counts. Get off your butt and smear the queer.

  10. I think sign waving is ok but as other poster noted please no door knocking. I would prefer we even go back to the days when Sunday was church/family day and stores and malls were closed. I have so much respect for Chick Filets decision to be closed on Sundays. Oh, and i'm only in my 40's and I'm not a Bible thumper on some God squad.


  11. 1-28-13

    Please tell me what Sunday has to do with anything anymore?
    I see the liberal anti-war activists demonstrating at the intersection of College Ave.& Business 13 on SUNDAY afternoon. I see ALL the joints that serve liquor OPEN. I see the adult book store OPEN. I see the President all the liberals elected failing to recognize christianity playing basketball on SUNDAY.
    There are movements afoot far more subversive undermining this country and NO concern is registered by people like you. Pay more attention to the REAL ISSUES or maybe the sign waiving beef is for fear some GOOD CANDIDATE would be elected.
    Bob Aswell

  12. I wouldn't have a problem with sign waving or something to that effect. Its pretty much the same as having a campaign commercial played on a Sunday. I just wouldn't appreciate the visits to private homes.

  13. If it's your sabbath day set aside for honoring and worshipping God, yes. But if not, no? But don't disturb residents on private property. Everybody deserves a day of rest and family time without interruptions.


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