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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Is Crime Really DOWN In Salisbury Like The Mayor Says?

"Hi Joe,
Our quiet community development of Cooper Landing was hit last night by vandals, i.e. cars gone through, GPS's and change taken.  I know you used to have a link to police reports.  Is that still available?
A co-worker told me his development was hit a week and a half ago in similar fashion.  Of course, these things never hit the press and was wondering how much of this going on?"

Publishers Notes: As I had mentioned a couple days ago, Officers are being told to suggest you simply contact your Insurance Company for crime under $1,000.00. 

I have made numerous attempts in the past to contact Chief Barbara Duncan but ever since the Mayors alleged phone spoof Mrs. Duncan refuses to answer or respond to my calls or text messages. 

This is very concerning for my campaign as we have serious questions for each department head but Mayor Ireton has enforced very strict instruction telling all of them they cannot speak to Joe Albero. 

Of course the Mayor is doing everything in his power to keep these kind of details from going public and or allowing me to challenge him with the TRUTH in public forums or debates. 

So I'll repeat, IF you have been and or are satisfied with the progress in Salisbury for the past 16 years, please, by all means, vote for Jim Ireton. 

If you are tired of the good old boys, temper tantrums, press conferences, pointing fingers at every one else and you want to see Salisbury move ahead in the right direction with a MAN in Office who will take full responsibility for once, you'll vote for me. 

"This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens' election to lose". 


  1. It seems the Chief would want to talk to you since there is an election coming up. Or is she so blind that she believes Ireton will win?

  2. Chief Duncan is another burnt bridge.

  3. Ireton needs to go.

  4. I live in a nicer part of the city limits and I use those terms loosely. I hear gun shots all the time and I am constantly calling the police for suspicious vehicles and suspicious activity. With those phone calls a lot of arrests are made.

  5. Leave barbara alone. she is doing the best she can for us.

  6. Can anyone guess the percentage of rentals vs. true owner occupied residences?

  7. Anonymous said...
    Leave barbara alone. she is doing the best she can for us.

    January 27, 2013 at 10:30 AM

    She works for the tax payers and her job is to respond to the citizens requests, not ignore them. Joe Albero is a citizen and a tax payer and may soon be her boss.

  8. What gives you the right to text the Chief of Police? Why should you have some kind of special access, and why do you expect a response?

  9. If we as a country had spent as much money on mental illness as we have on "The war on drugs," the problem might not be as bad as what we see today. It's just easier to throw them under the bus and arrest them for stealing for their habit. It's the vicious circle of crime today.

    hey 11AM If you e-mail, call or write to the governor's office about a problem, don't you expect some kind of reply? You must be one of Jim's stooges.

  10. anonymous 11:00, what gives me the right? Well, before the alleged phone spoof I was in regular contact with the Police Chief concerning Salisbury News.

    FUNNY how YOU challenge me. You see, the Chief REFUSED to contact me, invite me or allow me to be any part of a 2 week investigation in which the Mayor pretty much shut down the Salisbury Police Department for an alleged phone spoof that isn't even a crime in Maryland.

    Now, that being said, the call originated in Delaware and was received in Delaware, how is this any concern in Salisbury?????

    Break it down even more and ask, why didn't they contact ME throughout this one sided investigation? WHY didn't they invite ME to their Press Conference, knowing I was not only a victim but also as someone who has more local traffic than ANY other local news source on the Shore. Because they had a LOT to hide.

    You go ahead and support Jim Ireton and you'll get more of the same. Crime is NOT down in Salisbury. I have spoken to the Police Officers and I know what's going on. Just look at the Calls for service. They are UP, not down. Just like Salisbury is an all american city or a top 100 cities in america for young people, REALLY? Are you serious? We can't keep young people here to save our lives. If it wasn't for a university we'd have NO ONE from 18 to 35 years old living in Salisbury. They's ALL go where the jobs are.

    I plan on changing that.

  11. The Chief is under an order from Ireton.

  12. The blame for the chief not responding to you is squarely on her boss's shoulders - Jim Ireton.

    As for the crime stats, I don't follow that stuff closely, but what I heard was that violent crime was down over the last few years and they got theft type stuff down for a while, but that it is now making a comeback.

    With what you have been reporting, that sounds like an accurate lay person's description.

    We've had some rough patches, but I think it has been better since Webster left.

  13. That's why Colborne Dykes was fired, for not being a servant for an unhonorable mayor.

  14. Jim Ireton feeds information to those candidates he likes. He won't even give information to elected-by-the-people council members he doesn't like. Remember when Debbie Campbell asked questions about the surplus and Ireton wouldn't answer her? The man has slapped voters and democracy in the face many times, so what can you expect?

  15. This is the EXACT type of local news that WBOC & WMDT news should publicize that us residents NEED to be aware of so we can be cautious to protect ourselves and/or to prevent these types of crimes from occurring.

    WBOC & WMDT purposely withholds this info from us so they don't tarnish the reputation of our Eastern Shore that tourists are led to falsely believe is a fantasy Family Resort when our area is actually turning into the armpit of MD. Us residents are sick of the media withholding the TRUTH which could prevent crimes and at times even save lives!!!

    1. Exactly! Report the news it's like they don't want us to know we live in a crime time city! News stations should inform to help protect our citizens. Rocket science

  16. I'll repeat, look at the volume of calls for service and THAT will tell the entire story. Yes, violent crime is down. However, just ask any Officer and they will tell you they've never been busier.

  17. It's time for Salisbury to think ahead and have smart growth proactively. For the past 10 years, the only parts of Salisbury that seem to show growth are on the outer ring, just outside of city limits. The inside is virtually dead. When we moved here in the early 90's the town had a heart, and now it's heart seems to barely beat. You have my vote, Joe, bring her back to life. Make her not only comparable to Easton, Berlin, St. Michaels, Chestertown... make her surpass them.

  18. Who cares let them all wipe out each other.

  19. If they are covering it up someone needs to be ARRESTED and be part of the updated crime stats.

    Also how the HELL did Salisbury get top 100 cities in America again..Hmm must be the same idiots fudging the crime stats???

    There needs to be Answers.

  20. In my neighborhood, where I had my house built for me in 1998, I've seen a police car TWICE in 14 years, on what I assumed to be a "patrol". Twice. In 14 YEARS. But as soon as I hit Rt 13, I can't go 5 miles without seeing 4 or five cop cars one or two blacked out SUV's, and the ubiquitous unmarked state cops. Those damn DRIVING criminals, known to most of us as WORKING citizens, must be watched. All the time. Never know when someone with a job might not be wearing their seat belt. But PATROLLING neighborhoods? Ain't no money in that. Radar traps, Nazi checkpoints, and seat belt violators. THAT'S where the MONEY is and thats where the cops are. Burglaries? Vandalism? Break-ins? Report it to your insurance company, huh. Protecting (the revenue stream) and serving (the station commander). The only time a criminal gets busted is when he's driving away from a crime and not wearing his seat belt.

  21. Anonymous said...
    What gives you the right to text the Chief of Police? Why should you have some kind of special access, and why do you expect a response?

    January 27, 2013 at 11:00 AM

    What makes her special? She puts her pants on just like the rest of us do. She is nothing but a city employee.

  22. The police officers themselves know who actually worked hard to get them on the agenda for their pay raises that they haven't gotten in years.

    If we have a $16 million dollar budget surplus we should certainly be able to budget more money to fund our police department and expand the department. This isn't brain surgery!

  23. Expand the police department? Only if they start actually trying to limit CRIME and not increase revenues....more radar units and speed traps are NOT my idea of fighting crime. Park a cop at the corner of Booth St. or on Church St and I'll pay the tax, no problem. But if "expanding the police department" means I have to run an even heavier gauntlet of cops looking for seat belt violators or cell phone users or people changing lanes without a turn signal on their way to work, then you've lost my vote. And I vote, mainly because I have to do something meaningless every once in a while to relieve stress...

  24. The county police respond to most of the city calls. It's obvious that the city police can't function on their own. Thanks Mr. Lewis for doing a good job in the county and in the city.

  25. 2:35

    The officers on the street are doing what they are commanded to do, the same as the military.

    That being said, the population has increased far more then expansions in the department.

    In the long run it is more cost effective to enlarge the staff rather than pay for time and a half for officers that are working a lot of overtime.

  26. 2:35 Changing lanes without a signal is not illegal. Making a right or left turn without a signal is against the law.

    I don't mind debate, but get your facts straight.

  27. As far as your publishers note about officers telling people to contact their insurance for claims less than $1000, I believe that is why UCR crime numbers are down; if there is no suspect info and no evidence to process and it is a misdemeanor, the officers probably get away with a "blotter entry" where they call the list of items in to dispatch and the dispatcher enters it in the call blotter. No official report is taken and there is only a case number given for insurance purposes. This is done to reduce paperwork in departments where certain crimes lack any leads to be followed up on and the home owner is reporting it because their insurance co needs a case number. Problem with this is that since no report is taken, it is not reflected in UCR statistics and because officers don't like writing reports they are more likely to overlook potential evidence and suggest to the person that all they need is a case number for their insurance company, and behold, crime numbers go down.

  28. 3:01
    Thank you for that explanation. I do think that is what is happening. Having been the victim of 3 different crimes and having to deal with not only the SPD but the WCSO they both do little to find the criminal. You can give them names numbers and addresses of the criminal and they do nothing. They only go after the ones "they" want to. The police in this area are a joke.

  29. If crime is down then why do we need more police officers?

  30. Well if crime was down, the thing to do would be reduce the size of the department and cut out police officer over time and see what that get's ya! For God's sake use your head.

  31. Anonymous lmclain said...
    In my neighborhood, where I had my house built for me in 1998,

    Who cares? You don't have a clue.

  32. Changing lanes without a signal is not illegal. Making a right or left turn without a signal is against the law.

    You are correct. Some time ago this was discussed on here and I didn't believe it, but it's true.

    However, I am no cop, but I would think it would be classified as an unsafe lane change, WHICH IT IS.

    I know PROFESSIONAL truck drivers have to signal for lane changes, which everyone should.

    But some drivers, when seeing someone utilize their turn signal will speed up and attempt to block you in so you can't change lanes.

    They are unsafe drivers and should be avoided.

  33. 7:59....thats the best ya got? Go back to watching Harry Potter....or telling everyone what a hero you are with that radar gun....or telling the nurses at the emergency room how tough it was to beat that kid up while he was in handcuffs because he said something that pissed you off. And in your haste, you, missed my point, like you probably have done for much of your life...sign your name, you sissy

  34. Changing lanes without signaling IS NOT a traffic violation. A turn signal is required within 100 feet of a turn and when a vehicle movement effects traffic around you. It IS NOT considered an unsafe lane change. Unsafe lane charges require that lane change to affect the movement of another vehicle.

  35. If something gets harped about enough on Salisbury News and proves to be a popular topic of discussion it will get picked up by other local news outlets. The DT's did it again yesterday. They had an article about schools and the number of "learning disabled" children attending. Even a passing mention by some bureaucrat how "modified" tests are given to these supposedly "learning disabled" students. No mention though of how these "modified" tests are the only reason MD can claim #1 schools.

  36. No mention of the astronomical cost of special ed. with most of it funded by the county. Between money spent on special ed. and money spent on those who won't behave, there's not much left for the education of other kids.

  37. 9:48 PM

    You have no point, or clue.

  38. Well said Imclain!

    The posts of 7:59 yesterday & 9:20 today are most likely of an ignorant and alcoholic ShoreBilly who has no purpose in life and who has nothing more productive to do with his time than to childishly provoke you. These types of people are TRULY a waste of space on our planet.

  39. who has no purpose in life and who has nothing more productive to do with his time than to childishly provoke you. These types of people are TRULY a waste of space on our planet.

    January 28, 2013 at 10:17 AM

    Like you are demonstrating? You need to get a clue too and stay out of the koolaid if you don't know what flavor it is.

    Go back to drinking Obama' koolaid. BTW, I never drink before 11am

  40. No not one mention of the costs of Special Ed 7:25 and not just the teachers themselves but the cost for the "services" of these private companies that contract out these "therapists" who have all the incentive (Job security) to label a child "learning disabled." Politicians won't take it up because these "learning disabled" students allow for test modification so it looks like schools are producing better results than they really are. Nothing will change until parents get on the ball and say no more allowing a child to be labeled as nothing more than a "half wit" so politicans can have a bragging platform of great schools.


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