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Friday, January 25, 2013

Today's Survey Question 1-25-13

Do you agree with decision to lift ban on women in combat?


  1. Ladies do not belong in combat. They will never be as strong as a man and most are very sympathetic towards anything.
    I fought in 1967-1968 , I would not have condoned a woman in my squad or in my foxhole.(well maybe in my foxhole , get my drift )

  2. No. We have become so PC that people don't understand there ARE differences between men and women. Time will prove this.

  3. We will see how everyone feels about it when the newly purchased channel, from Al Gore, AlJezera shows the first repeated rape and subsequent beheading of a U.S, Female service women!

  4. the aclu needs to mind it's own business. But we all know that's not possible. Of course women don't belong in combat, but if they want to go, there should be a "path".

  5. No. Bad idea.
    While women are capable of accomplishing the mission, the sight of a wounded female will detract men from performing theirs. It is a natural instinct for males to want to help a female in distress, but mission must come first.

  6. BAD idea when soldiers have too see a WOMAN injured and or blown to pieces on the combat field it will be a big emotional problem its bad enough seeing there brothers killed and maimed now it will be like seeing there MOTHER and SISTER killed and maimed, i know its sucks to say but its TRUE.

  7. No-why complicate something that's worked well for forever.
    And as John McCain said don't go lowering the standards which will put all of our troops at risk just because a few women have some kind of inferiority complex and feel compelled to attempt to prove they can do anything a man can do.
    BTW-I am a woman and to me all this boils down to is women who are insecure and do have some kind of mental complexes going on who aren't happy unless they are attempting to prove something.

  8. Damn shame that's its all about politics, and not commonsense woman do not belong in the field and the few that say yes then let them serve first ,Why do a few woman have to speak for the whole military if you want it then step up and get it.

  9. As long as they can shoot.....
    Israel makes it mandatory...
    I guess they will also have to register for the draft...

  10. As long as they can do the EXACT physical training as the men do.

  11. When a female is shot or even hit but not actually wounded, every guy will want to strip off her bullet proof vest and check for wounds, and maybe give her a vigorous chest massage to help stimulate blood flow to various regions, including his!

  12. Hell no.Why do we even vote?We the people never have any say about things.If a national vote was taken on this topic I guarantee it would be voted down.

  13. 7:59 says "Israel makes it mandatory..."

    Israel is one of a few countries where women are drafted. Back in the 1950's Israel experimented w/women in front line combat roles and it failed horribly. 7:10 & 6:58 hit on it-things turned into a "cluster" due to the man's instinct to help injured woman.
    In this day there are some areas of the Israeli Defense Force off limits to women such as combat in the armored corps and the infantry otherwise known as the front lines of service. The leftists who every chance they get will propagate lies to their advantage and will omit certain facts out of their defenses and all we are hearing is Israel allows woman in combat.
    The few positions classified as combat that women in Israeli are allowed to serve in are light infantry, artillery and border patrol.

  14. democrats claim the "republican war on women" yet who is more than happy to send them into harms way...

  15. Yes I agree with it. I also agree with some of the comments I've read where there are some combat situations (like special forces) where most women won't be able to participate because of the requirements. It will sort itself out.

  16. We've become District One from Hunger Games. It's a shame.

  17. I am a male veeteran and I agree with the decision to allow women participate in combat. There are more women that you think that are just as strong, if not stronger, than a male. As for the comments about a male hovering over a wounded women, that is CRAP!!! During my tour in combat and even state-side if ANY of my fellow soldiers were wounded (male or female) they would have been protected and assisted by any and all means necessary. Regardless of sex. I am a happily married husband (to a woman) and father of two girls and I would support them in any job preference they choose. I am also appalled at the neanderthalic comments that have been made. It only shows a lack of progress that we have made as a society. That is my opinion. You are also entitled to yours.

  18. I don't like the idea of women in combat.The protective nature of a man toward women would seem to me to be a distraction.If a capable woman,however,chooses to fight on the front lines she should have the oppurtunity to do so.

  19. f it. send them over as an infantrywoman and when their asses get raped, dont want to hear ppl crying the blues!

  20. To the veteran who posted at High Noon (appropriate, and I salute your service), you have it right, sir.

    The women who can "cut it," will cut it and the soldiers with survival on their minds are not going to go all mushy.

    The reason women want their shot at this is promotion related. Combat experience gets you a better leg up. Front lines get you command opps. Some women don't want to join up to defend our country just to get positions that they can't advance from.

    I admire any woman who wants to do this and I give extra respect to those that can cut the mustard.

  21. I'm thinking go ahead. The "women" that want to be infantry will be so butch the men won't even notice they are women.


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