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Friday, January 25, 2013

Be Very Careful Walking Around Downtown

As cold as it is, most of the sidewalks were not cleared out on the Downtown Plaza and other areas of Salisbury. Obviously there is plenty of ice on the ground and the driving conditions on the Plaza aren't much better. 


  1. Don't we have people in the city that are paid to do this chore?
    Delegate , delegate , maybe too cold for the people to work outside , poor babies.

  2. Why didn't the city clear the sidewalks?

  3. The snow was so light I cleared all my paths with a kitchen broom. Maybe the City was out of them yesterday?

  4. Why don't the businesses complain about the NON snow removal? they complain when the businesses don't clear there path? and then get a ticket.

  5. As I understand it, it is up to the property owners on the Plaza to clear their own path/sidewalk.

    I cleared mine immediately. However, you have to wonder the legalities of the City demanding we take care of their sidewalks, NOT that I personally have a problem with it. I'm simply stating, if the City attempts to attract people Downtown one would think it would become the City's liability. After all, we do pay some pretty hefty taxes Downtown.

  6. I should add, it just goes to show you, (once again) how Ireton is unfriendly towards businesses and property owners. He wants US to clear the sidewalks. He wants US to pay to replace sidewalks. He wants US to clean the weeds even in the curbing of the streets or we get fined. The businesses and property owners are the backbone of this community and over time the City has walked away from ANY kind of upkeep.

    I cannot stress this enough. Salisbury IS a business and once I'm elected I will treat Salisbury like a business. NOT use Salisbury as a tax and fee bank account like Ireton.

    You want good paying jobs? You want relief from taxes? Well guess what, you have to EARN business respect and provide services that make businesses WANT to be a part of this community.

  7. In Arlington VA where I have a home, property owners are responsible to clear sidewalks bordering their property. If not done the county will send out a crew and then send a bill to the property owner. I believe this is the common practice just about anywhere.

  8. I feel its the responsibility of the city to clear what the hell are you paying taxes for.

  9. I do not know of a town where it is the town employees job to clear sidewalks. If sidewalks are not cleared in X number of hours, the property owner faces a fine.

    1. Who would be responsible if someone fell and broke an arm or leg? City or property owner?

  10. Who even goes downtown

  11. When did Salisbury every clear sidewalks - not in my life time. Complain to the Mayor and Council if this is a problem with you. I can pretty much guarantee you there is not enough manpower for the city to take on this job. If you wish it done and the city agrees there will be a rise in taxes.

  12. I have confirmed it is the property owners responsibility to clear the sidewalks on the Plaza. Not that I didn't know that, I simply want to clarify it.

    Interesting how we property owners pay incredible taxes and I'll repeat, (once again) we receive not a single service from the City for all those taxes. NOT ONE.

    Mind you, the City uses our property that we have to maintain and even rents that outdoor property to events like 3rd Friday, the Jaycees and such yet WE are the ones who have to clear that path.

    It just doesn't make any sense. Now, IF your going to have a law that requires residents and businesses to clear those paths and they are not cleared, enforce the laws.

    It should also be known that the City will provide a snow clearing service to businesses and residents for a small fee if it is requested.

    However, similar to tall grass fines, these path ways need to be cleared so no one gets hurt.

  13. ALSO don't forget to clear rhe snow from your vehicle tags. Unreadable tags on your vehicle makes you a criminal subject to being stopped and ticketed (and whatever else the Officer wants to do to you.)

  14. Be careful Joe.

    We need you.


  15. This will all change on April 2nd!

    Jim is toast. Better yet Jim is burnt Toast!

  16. Every place I have ever lived it was the property owners responsibility to clear the sidewalks.
    BTW Chuck Cook never clears the sidewalk in front of his own.

  17. I'd be careful walking the streets of downtown Salisbury whether it's ice, snow, green grass, middle of the day or in the evening. I grew up in the 50's and 60's and every Saturday the streets were filled with people shopping all the wonderful shops. I have absolutely no reason to go there except for the courts. Be careful walking the streets of downtown Salisbury.

  18. Time to ck out the city's insurance program.

  19. 7:24, I used to live in Arlington and I was just about to mention this. ;). I've never heard of a municipality being responsible for snow removal on sidewalks.

  20. Just an FYI-yesterday the county had a cherry picker truck with engine running, and a large pick up truck engine running while one guy quickly ran a salt spreader over the sidewalk around a playground. What a waste of money and gas. Why did it require two large trucks, for a less than five minute job? Waste, waste, and fraud.

  21. If any of you ever lived in a real city, you would know that you are responsible for the sidewalk adjacent to your property.

    That's just common sense. You wanna talk about waste? How much waste would it be to hire city workers to clean people's sidewalks and such?

    Come on people use your head.

  22. Ireton's tune will be very different from now until the election, you watch. He gave the council credit in a recent press release after two years of bashing them and calling them names. He hasn't been around at meetings to throw his hissy fits.

    Ireton takes two ideas from Albero's speech and starts to get those things done. What a surprise.

    Tomorrow he'll probably have the streets clear of the giant 2" snowfall, plus the sidewalks of everyone and personally be out with a toothbrush shining the grates.

    Sorry, Jimbo. It won't work. You have been a jerk for nearly four years and everyone is sick of you.

    Albero can't do worse and I suspect he'll do better. But watch your back when you get in, Joe. From what I hear, you can't trust a lot of people who will be working for you.

  23. Don't forget to look up from looking for ice to check for lumps looking to rob you or worse.


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