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Friday, January 11, 2013


Looks like schools are selling out students in favor of funding. Not surprisingly, the government wants to track school students (already in government indoctrination centers/schools) with RFID chips. Some of the students don’t think it’s too cool, the school spying on their every move in order to get state and Federal funds. Do you want the school and the state tracking your kids? How soon until they implant these devices in their bodies?

Your freedom, and the freedom of your children lessens with each passing day. When your phones, computers, cars, T.V.’s, and even your body are being monitored by the government, your every move tracked and recorded, you will be more compliant and afraid. They are watching you.



  1. That technology is'nt here yet,or even close.However,for reasons unknown,the majority is being duped into thinking they are under a microscope.Perhaps the fear of one's every move being monitored fills in the gap between what is currently a reality and what will eventually be.25 years to go before we have need to worry.


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