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Friday, January 11, 2013

D.C. AG Declines To Press Charges In ‘Meet the Press’ Incident

No criminal charges will be brought against “Meet the Press” host David Gregory for his display of a high-capacity gun magazine on the show last month, the District’s Office of the Attorney General announced Friday.

The decision not to file criminal charges brings an end to authorities’ investigation into the circumstances leading up to the Dec. 23 taping of the NBC talk show, during which Mr. Gregory displayed an empty magazine as he interviewed National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre for a segment on gun control.

“Influencing our judgment in this case, among other things, is our recognition that the intent of the temporary possession and short display of the magazine was to promote the First Amendment purpose of informing an ongoing public debate about firearms policy in the United States,” wrote Attorney General Irvin B. Nathan in a letter to an attorney representing NBC that was released Friday.



  1. Of course. A libtard dunbocrat doesn't need to comply with the same laws that commoners do.
    It's coming!

  2. Another freebie given by the white house.

  3. Oh, Jeeze! A demonstrative display is not the sa,e as possession with intent to kill.

    Really, folks, we need to allow demonstrations to continue.

    However, I agree with his right to be holding and owning 30, 50, and 100 round magazines if he wishes. Why not? Your military, DHS, and Police have them.

  4. To 7:29PM: Then why shouldn't I be able to hold and own an assault rifle or whatever kind of gun I want.....the "military, DHS, and police have them" as you say. If it's against the law to own/have it, then it should be charged & penalized as such, whether you're a member of the media or a private citizen. Yes, I agree it's a stupid law, but it's the daggone law, for ALL of us.

  5. Several months ago there was a story about a Wounded vet that was moving from SC to NJ...on his way he had to stop at the Walter Reed hospital for a doctors appointment. DC police charged him with a 4 felonies and confiscated all this weapons and last I heard had not given them back. He was a collector and had them secured properly according to federal law. Why was this young man given such a hard time yet the slob on TV after being told NOT to do it did it anyway and gets away with it.

  6. Why was this young man given such a hard time yet the slob on TV after being told NOT to do it did it anyway and gets away with it.

    January 11, 2013 10:16 PM

    One reason is he had guns versus the other guy having a mag.

    He didn't check state laws for the states he would be driving through.

    And I believe the state that got him was New Jersey.

  7. I think this shows the double standard very clearly. However, I believe Americans have the right guaranteed in the 2nd Amendment to own whatever guns, magazines they wish. Just because CRIMINALS obtain by hook or crook guns, and commit CRIMES --- does NOT in any way prohibit LAW ABIDING CITIZENS their CONSTITUTIONAL Rights. CAPS are very important here.

  8. To 9:12 and others, please read and understand the reasoning behind the Second Amendment. An illegal law is not a law. Please read the following article:
    Then tell me that just because someone pushed through a law doesn't mean it's a good thing.


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