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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Stalled Talks Could Lead To Airport Work ‘Chaos’

Unless negotiations are resolved this winter, Piedmont Airlines flight attendants say they are drawing a line in the sand and willing to strike for a better contract.

Headquartered in Salisbury, Piedmont Airlines is a subsidiary of US Airways and conducts roughly 440 daily departures to 55 cities. It is the only carrier at the Salisbury-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport to offer daily services. If a new contract isn’t forthcoming in the immediate future, flight attendants are promising to literally “create havoc” with the airline’s flight schedule.

“It’s not your traditional strike where everybody goes out all at once and you stay out,” said Local Council President for the Piedmont flight attendants Anita Jwanoukos. “We just pick and choose certain flights, and we’re creating havoc around the system.”


  1. Where do I apply for one of these soon to be available jobs?


  2. I think anyone lucky enough to have a job these days should not be greedy! I saw a picture of the Piedmont flight attendants this week standing inside the terminal of Salisbury Airport with their little picket signs. Get a grip girls! You have a job, you have paid health insurance, you have paid vacation and paid sick days, you have lots of days off, you can fly for FREE and not have to pay for a seat! Most people would love to have a job like yours and not complain!

  3. I fully realize flight attendants endure mediocre salaries, lots of stress, and long periods away from home but they knew the working conditions when they signed on. And it's a job, which is more than a lot of people have. There will be no sympathy from me.

  4. and yet it's the passengers that suffer. I doubt very seriously that the airline or the flight attendants give a rats ass about us!

  5. My wife had been laid off for about a year she would gladly take on of those jobs , she is far prettier and less obnoxious than most of thes people .

  6. They'd just better be happy with what they have...

  7. Time to shut down.

  8. This article said that some flight attendants are on food stamps. How do they qualify for them? I'm sure their salary is not that low.

  9. Fire them all you have no trouble finding qualified help.

  10. Obviously commenters about this subject know very little about working for an airline. But the real issue is should they have to have a union or be allowed to hire outside the union. The NMB's illegally (IMHO) appointed board will never release them into the cooling off period anyway so a strike is really a moot point. Whats the use of a union that is not allowed to legally strike? Why won't the Obama administration allow these unions their rights under the Railway labor act? Are they for unions or not?

  11. This airport is already Chaos! They don't need any more help. These unions just don't get it. Do your jobs, and shut up!!

  12. Foodstamps! I have my own business and pay for my own health insurance, which by the way is basically useless unless I am dying! I have no dental insurance, work six days a week long days, no sick days, no paid vacation days - guess I should be out inquiring why am I not on foodstamps! Why? Because I live within my means and dont drive new cars like alot of people do, if I travel I have to actually BUY my airline ticket (no free tickets for me) - what the heck! I have not had a cost of living raise in 15 years and the flight attendants are threatening CHAOS because of maybe having to work a little harder to survive?


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