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Sunday, January 27, 2013

China Solar Hot Water Design Achieves 75 Percent Home Energy Savings

The Utopian Garden Project in Dezhou, China, utilizes a unique metal casing to house 504 vacuum tube collectors that creates the attractive and futuristic form of a wave and covers the entire roof of the building.

The solar installations above the apartment blocks of the “Utopia Garden” Project in the Chinese city of Dezhou attract attention even from a distance. The 504 vacuum tube collectors have been placed horizontally in a massive metal casing that has the form of a wave and covers the entire roof of the building. The solar fields, with a gross collector area of around 1,400 square meters [15,070 square feet], consist of pressurized, heat pipe vacuum tubes, which harness the sun on the roof and feed it into a central heating and cooling system that runs through the entire building complex.
The design and construction of the eco-friendly houses, as well as the marketing of the apartment units is completely in the hands of Himin Solar Energy Realty, a subsidiary of the Himin Solar Group. The company has already sold out four blocks with a total of apartments at the waterfront of an artificial lake, and the new owners started to move in at the end of 2011. Two more blocks are now under construction.

“Seeing what modern living standards will be like in the future persuades people to buy the 300 to 600 square meter [3,229 to 6,458 square feet] big flats,” explains Chen Ping from the Brand Management Department of Himin Solar, one of the largest solar water heater manufacturers in China. “The price of the flats is around 12,000 Chinese Renminbis per square meter of living space ($180/square foot), which is around 50 percent more than for comparable flats. Advanced renewable energy technology and intelligent home technologies make the difference.” Still, apartment owners save up to 75 percent of annual energy costs in their new accommodations.



  1. I don't know, maybe it's lost in the translation, but if one pressurizes a vacuum tube, is it still a vacuum tube? Anyone? Bueller?

  2. Man, don't try blowing the brain circuitry of the modern American-educated savior worshipping (and I ain't talking about Jesus) morons by asking simple science questions. Sounds racist to me. Bueller was just a poor white guy trying to get by in a world trying to hold him down.

  3. Sounds racist to me. Bueller was just a poor white guy trying to get by in a world trying to hold him down.

    January 27, 2013 at 1:53 PM

    You would be the expert on racism wouldn't ya? Clueless

  4. but wait, china is an evil empire....isnt it? theyve survived and thrived thousands of years even with the good ole USA telling us how dreadful china is. (we still buy their crap though dont we?)

  5. LOL! 9:28. Thats was something called "sarcasm". Who's clueless? It was a COMEDY. You know that, right? But, you HAVE changed the noun form, so I give you some credit for progression....


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