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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Abortion continues to be a highly-contentious issue, even as this week marks the 40th anniversary since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court verdict was handed down. It’s a never-ending battle, typically colored by raw emotion. While one polar side traditionally argues that life begins at the moment of conception, the other tends to shy away from any recognition that the unborn qualify as human lives.

This pro-life versus pro-choice dynamic often leads to intense clashes in the public sphere, with both sides accusing the other of restricting rights and advocating damaging policies. In a new piece that was published this week, Salon’s Mary Elizabeth Williams, a pro-choice adherent, decides not to steer clear of the “life” issue and asks: “So what if abortion ends life?”

The question, itself, is enough to send anti-abortion advocates into a tizzy. Williams, who identifies herself as pro-choice, takes a divergent route from others on the left who have staunch views about abortion rights. Rather than denying the fact that fetuses are human lives, she, like pro-lifers, fully embraces this ideal. However, Williams differentiates between the rights that the unborn have from those that belong to women.



  1. Some politicians are worth sacrificing too.

    Feinstein, Biden, Schumer, Clinton, Obama, the Socialist Cummings, Reed....

  2. If we use Miz Williams morality and logic we could say " If Miz Williams needs to be blown away, oh well some low-lifes are worth sacrificing" These people are just getting more evil all the time. If the baby is inconvenient, just kill it. Soon it will be, if the baby is crying too much, eating too much, etc. just kill it. Where does this stop? It needs to stop now with protection of an innocent child in it's mothers womb.

  3. Somebody needs to nail something down on this abortion issue.If not we'll be hearing the same old crap in 2016 and 2020 during the presidential campaigns.Absolute decisions need to be made one way or the other and put it behind us.


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