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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hillary Clinton Gets Grilled

Finally, lawmakers are getting their chance to grill Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton about the attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. Clinton will appear in back-to-back hearings. She had been scheduled to testify last month but got sick. Her doctor had ordered her to stay at home. After the attack in September, Clinton had appointed a commission to investigate what went wrong. Its report criticized the State Department's failure to beef up security at diplomatic missions. Four Americans, including the ambassador, died in that attack.


  1. nothing eill be done , she is above the law as is most of obamas loved ones.

  2. she needed all this time to practice her speech. what a farce this "investigation" was.

  3. She was practicing her speech in the hospital.

  4. Plane crash in Iran?

  5. Did you hear all the elitists at the hearing praise Hillary?I thought this was about preventing more people from being killed overseas.

  6. The "praisefest" was too much wasn't it 9:19. It was democrats so what do you expect. They are clueless in being able to put together sensible questions relating to the topic at hand so they spent their minutes on superfluous BS in an attempt to hide their complete ignorance on the subject at hand. These are the same people who have to pass the bill before they know what's in it so how can we expect them to even have an inkling of the events in Libya.
    Everyday it becomes more and more apparent what low intelligence level the democrats really are.

  7. She took the GOP to the wood shed.

  8. What a disgusting spectacle, democrats praising her half-assed job of running the state department, and republicans never actually asking her to answer specific questions like "why did you tell the security officials in the building next door to stand down" or "Where was our useless excuse of a president when the live video feed from the surveillance drone was being shown in the White House situation room" etc. And then there was that champion of the Republicans, John McCain that gave a speech rather than honestly question her.


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