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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sandy Victim Blasts Obama: Shame on You


  1. I will say this AGAIN this is Obama's payback for how GW Bush took to help his peeps from New Orleans .

  2. Surprised Anyone? Just another broken promise by Obama. I said it before, Talk Is Overrated, Actions Speak Volumes. In his case it's more No-Actions. And now he wants to "help the law abiding citizens" by taking their guns away. So, when we wake up the next morning and ask ourselves - besides Obama's numerous appearances on TV talking big talk and looking pretty, what has he done for you and me? Answer is Nothing. Oh wait, imposed higher taxes, so our paychecks just got smaller. So while folks on Staten Island suffer, he the Annointed One spent 12 million dollars of TAX PAYERS MONEY IN ONE DAY ON INNAUGURATION. So I ask my fellow Americans - How does it make you feel ???

  3. NY NJ you voted his sorry a$$ in. So suck it up.

  4. the reason the sandy victims are not getting help is because they are in the us. the us government only helps other countries that hate us.

  5. You voted for him.

  6. So many dranl the Kool Aid he served right before the election so he could get re-elected. I think even Christie had a weak moment. It's just going to get worse.

  7. Obama was told that Katrina was a 100 year storm.That he heard from so called experts and that he believed.He also believed that his presidency was divine providence,as ridiculous as that sounds.following Sandy he was overheard saying "That just was'nt supposed to happen".That statement alone suggests that he considers himself god like.Well it did happen,and from the looks of things there was a a specific purpose for it happening,which was to humble us.While something like 90% or more Americans believe in a supreme being,a lot fewer are actually Christians.

  8. 7:33 you are right ,and Obama does not care anyway most of the people in need are white.

  9. Obama along with Christie's help did what he had to do to get votes for the election. There are actually people out there that believe that Obama gives a crap??
    Everyrhing this jerk does is a political move.


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