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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Boy Scouts Threaten to Kick Out Troop For Supporting Gay Members

Update: Pack 442 took down its non-discrimination statement on Saturday after pressure from the National Capital Area Council, and will keep its charter as a result. Theresa Phillips, committee chair of Pack 442 tells Mother Jones the troop will continue to welcome gay members and families, even without the statement. "I asked for my name to removed from the charter because I feel like if gay/lesbian individuals are not worthy of being registered leaders, then I am not either," Phillips says.  

The Boy Scouts council in charge of overseeing scout programs in the Washington, DC-area is threatening to kick out a Maryland troop for posting a statement on its website declaring it won't discriminate against gay scouts. The troop has to decide by tomorrow whether to remove the statement.

In September, the families of Pack 442, which is based in Cloverly, Maryland (a small town less than 20 miles from the nation's capital), anonymously voted and overwhelmingly approved to adopt a non-discrimination statement. According to Theresa Phillips, committee chair of Pack 442, the pack wanted Boy Scouts of America to know "we will not stand for the discrimination of homosexual minors or adults whatsoever." Here's the sentence causing the controversy:



  1. Can i join the lesbian scouts?

  2. Kick them out.let the parents ruin this for the kids.the boy scouts are about values.life and family values.

  3. Good for them. The Boy Scouts is a private organization that happens to support heterosexual lifestyles, and is publicly against homosexuality. Folks who think otherwise and feel such a position is discriminatory should feel unwelcome ande stay the h*// out. If the scouts are wrong they will suffer in the long run. Hasn't happened yet.

  4. Why would it even be important to discuss sexual orientation when your in an organization for kids? If you are homosexual keep it to yourself for God's sake! Nobody cares who you have sex with as long as it's not with the kids!

  5. It's not discrimination at all but an attempt to protect children. It's a well known fact that the Boy Scouts have had terrible problems with pedophiles and sexual abuse. This all came out when 1000+ pages of files were released. A man that preys on little boy is also a homosexual. Homosexuals have sex with the same sex so when a male pedophile preys on a boy he's homosexual. There are no if's and's or but's about this. If limiting homesexual contact with the Boy Scouts could possible save one boy from sexual abuse it's worth it. Isn't that the liberal mantra?

  6. Obama has called the to Washington for a GAY SUMMIT...Obama will wear Spandex for the event and provide Kool-Aid.

  7. 2:51, what does homosexuality have to do with pedophilia? I'm assuming that you straight, are you attracted to underage girls?

  8. Don't ignore the truth 6:21. When someone prefers sex with the same sex they are a homosexual. When a male pedophile preys on boys then he's not only a pedophile but a homosexual one.
    If an adult male is attacted to young girls,then he's a "straigh" pedophile.
    If we have to discriminate to protect just one child then we need to do it. Too bad for the well intended homosexual man who wouldn't dream of ever hurting or sexually abuing a Boy Scout.
    Is this any different that punishing responsible legal firearm owners for the atrocities of a few? It's all about the children,remember?

  9. "I'm assuming that you straight, are you attracted to underage girls?"

    Only if you are a pedophile and then you would be a heterosexual one but when a man preys on young boys he is not only a pedophile but a homosexual one. It's not rocket science, 6:21.

  10. If you think that sexual abuse doesn't happen in the Boy Scouts, it does. I know from experience. Parents you need to pay attention and protect your children. Just because it is Scouts, doesn't mean they are safe !

  11. Go Penn State.... LOL
    What if lil jimmy is an adopted child that happens to have two dads? That doesn't make him gay but the scouts won't let him participate because of his circumstances. That's not right either. If someone has a criminal record of abusing children, male or female, they should not be allowed to be in the scouts, a coach, reverend, pastor. priest or teacher. Search SBYNEWS for all the teachers in DE accused of having sex with students. Gay or straight doesn't matter when it comes to someone with a sick mind.

  12. It's very simple to solve this , you have boy scouts , girl scouts and then gay scouts of obamarica.

  13. I am horrified by most of the comments.

    That being said, I am grateful to our local scout dens, as they don't discriminate. They also don't discuss sex or ones orientation.

    My son, could care less who is gay and who is not. He cares about spending time with his friends, and learning things. He has a wonderful den/pack, and a wonderful leader.

  14. 7:00 Then you den is remiss. It is a well known fact that homosexual pediphiles will attempt to "inflitrate" organizations such as the Boy Scouts because of attitudes like yours. They are "experts" at inserting themselves into postions of trust such as priests, coaches, etc.
    You can not let your sense of tolerance or your anti discrimination policy get in the way of protecting a child. The attitude of tolerance and acceptance as opposed to proactivity is the reason why sexual abuse is so prevalent. Organizations that have proven to be magnets for perverts must take anticipatory and take necessary action to prevent a situation from occuring.

  15. While I do not support the homosexual lifestyle at all. I am wondering about the children involved in this horrendout lifestyle. Perhaps it would be best to allow the children to participate, to be around men and women that have the hearts and souls in the lifestyle of a real dad and a real mom. The children involved in these unnatural acts need to see what a NORMAL home is like, how a father and son relate to each other, how a mom and daughter relate to each other.
    On the other hand, I also understand that exposing your child to the homosexual community is not always the way to go. I believe we do need to explain to our children the a man and woman is the way GOD intended a family to be structured; that anything else is perverse and against the lifestyle that our Creator expected of us.

  16. One would think tolerance would be paramount to the Scouting experience.

  17. 1131
    Are we talking about pedophiles or homosexuals? They are two very different types of people.

    "Then you den is remiss. It is a well known fact that homosexual pediphiles will attempt to "inflitrate" organizations such as the Boy Scouts because of attitudes like yours"

    Please enlighten me on where this fact is presented and by whom.

  18. "Anonymous said...
    One would think tolerance would be paramount to the Scouting experience.

    January 28, 2013 at 2:05 PM"

    I wonder if the victims of the over 2000 cases of sexual abuse within the Boy Scouts would think this? Or their parents?


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