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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Redskins' RG3 To Undergo Surgery On LCL This Week

Operation will reveal whether he tore ACL

Robert Griffin III will undergo surgery to repair his torn lateral collateral ligament. And that's when the real issues might begin.

When Dr. James Andrews operates on Griffin's right knee later this week, he also will need to determine the extent of damage to Griffin's other ligaments, notably the ACL. Multiple reports stated that Griffin tore his LCL, but any damage beyond that has yet to be determined.

What the doctors find could determine whether Griffin plays in 2013 or not. Under normal circumstances, a torn ACL would sideline an athlete for seven to 12 months.



  1. That man gave it his all in that game! I hope he gets back to where he wants to be in his career as soon as it can happen. Let it heal, Griffin! Make sure you're ready to come back first, you are a first rate player!

  2. Goodbye hotdog and the skins.

  3. He got his surgury now its Shanahan's turn. Labotamy time. Shame on you for letting that kid go out there in the first place. Let alone again and again throughout the game, even with it obvious the kid was hurt.

  4. RG is a very gifted atlete and although I am not a skins fan I hope for a speedy recovery for this man and hope I will have the chance to watch him play for many seasons to come.

  5. of course he did, or they wouldn't operate. (tear his acl)


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