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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Biden: Obama Prepared To Take Executive Action On Gun Control

President Obama will likely take executive action in an effort to tamp down the recent rash of gun violence, Vice President Biden said Wednesday.

“The president is going go act,” said Biden, who is conducting meetings all week on gun control. “There are executive orders, executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet, but we're compiling it all.”

He said last month's Newtown, Conn., tragedy — which took the lives of 20 elementary school children — “touched the heart of the American people so profoundly” and “requires immediate, urgent action.” 



  1. Go ahead... Make my day!

    I'm pretty much ready.

    There will be a lot of us; we will not be online, we will not have cellphones to track us, we will work with pencil, paper, and fire. The Revolution will not be Televised!

    You will NOT win!

    The Constitution will survive.

  2. I dont see them banning abortion or planned parenthood which by their own numbers murdered one million babies in the last three years.

  3. Things that make you say "HMMM"January 9, 2013 at 7:09 PM

    Interestingly enough, the kid who shot up the school's Dad is the CEO of General Electric; a major Contributor to Obama...

  4. Why are there rumors of a staged event? There are reports of multiple shooters at not only Newtown but also at Aurora and Wisconsin.

    Why is the media not following through their own reports?

    Why did Conn. state police threaten to arrest anyone posting opinions other than the 'official' version?

    Seems our government is using 'false flag' operations against us.

    And that wouldn't be the first time.

  5. "Never let a good catstrophe go to waste"

  6. It seems the mislead and the outright idiots are getting what they voted for.
    Obama and all the flaming liberals very well may start a war on this one.
    I believe this regime will seek a constitutional amendment with a facade of false support.

  7. Alex is your last name Baaaaa

  8. "Never let a good catstrophe go to waste"

    January 9, 2013 7:36 PM

    I read that today, referring about Bush.

    Alex said...
    7:04 is funny

    January 9, 2013 8:24 PM

    Alex, have you ever seen that slogan, "someone is alive because I don't want to go to prison"?

  9. Alex, you have no idea! Thamk you for your idiocy!

  10. Alex you never told me what's the differen between the ar15 assault rifle and the mini 14

  11. A lot of good people have been too busy earning a living and supporting their families to pay adequate attention to these goofy bastards and their freakish followers. That's beginning to change. These pricks may have overstepped if they attempt a gun grab.

  12. These pricks may have overstepped if they attempt a gun grab.

    January 9, 2013 9:32 PM

    There is no 'may' to it.

    Look at Alex on infowars.com.

    He was a little over the top but he expressed what a lot of people think and feel.

    Some will obey.

    Most will fire upon the trespassers.

  13. I think if they do this, the next Civil War will have begun. People are fed up with our government as it is. I don't think it will take much more to reach the tipping point! I for one, are fed up with the lies and absolute corruption of this government. They don't work for us. I believe they expect us to bow to them! This is not the government my ancestors fought and died for!

  14. This is not the government my ancestors fought and died for!

    January 9, 2013 10:30 PM

    Hell no it isn't. It is however, the one they warned us about in the 2nd amendment.

    Take heed people.

  15. my concern is many citizens are all talk and no action. when push comes to shove, no enough will be done because of the strong arm of the government. intimidation will be overwhelming and we won't stand.

  16. my concern is many citizens are all talk and no action. when push comes to shove, no enough will be done because of the strong arm of the government. intimidation will be overwhelming and we won't stand.

    January 9, 2013 11:23 PM

    That's probably what the brits thought too.

    Think about it. People are hungry. People are living on the streets. People are angry. People are tired of being pushed around. People are tired.

    There is a powder keg out there just waiting for a spark.

    It ain't gonna be pretty, for either side. It's a bad thing, but it has to happen. The balance of power as it is now demands it. IF we want to be free and in control of our lives and freedoms.

    The founding fathers, in their wisdom, foresaw this and made provisions for it in the form of the 2nd amendment.

    We have the LEGAL tools to correct this situation. When people finally wake up completely and realize they are in charge of their own destiny, we will fight as one,...AGAIN.

    All of us are not so deep in our cell phones and video games that we don't see what is going on around us.

    And we are getting pretty damn sick and tired of it.

  17. Our country has a leader that in his first campaign outlined his plan for a national militia with funding similar to our armed forces.Now he wants to ban the weapons that our citizens own to protect themselves. This can only be seen as a parallel to Hitlers regime and it's plan to overtake the societies of eastern Europe.This is not the country my ancestors left their homes and families for.This is not the country that they fought for in the first and second world wars. This is precisely what they fought against.


  19. Thank you 6:26. 1933 - 34 Germany. Same rhetoric, different knucklehead. Globalist power elite and banking cartels are pulling the puppet strings in more places you can wink an eye at, no pun intended.


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