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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Possible Nebraska New State Record

The  game warden was there and guessed the age to be 7-8 years?  He said  it should be a 38 point rack? I did not  count. 

This  will probably be the new state record according to the  warden. It will be pictured in Nebraska Land Magazine
In December. The guy that shot it was in his mid 20s.  A  guy around 60 congratulated him and told him to cherish  this 
Because he has never seen anything like it in  his years of hunting. 

If  you don't hunt you may know someone that would appreciate  it. 

Have  a good one.


  1. So Sad..With the crime rate going to record highs. People are still killing Deers and other Animals who have done nothing wrong to nobody. Are we that confused that we are hunting the wrong species ??? Give Bambi a gun to fight back and then watch the fun begin....lol...

  2. We are hunting the wrong species. It's way past time to thin our own herd.

  3. Figures the hunter was only in his 20's. An older hunter would have thought twice before killing such a magnificent specimen....

  4. personally I see these "super non-typical" as poor genetics and they should be shot to allow the more symmetric typical rack genes to be spread. As to the hunting question, in this area, due to no other natural predators, humans are the only controlling factor towards the deer population, unless you want to count all the ones killed by cars.

  5. 6:18, I am guessing you are a strict vegetarian. Most hunters I know are killing deers to fill their freezers with MEAT for the winter, saving them a bundle at the grocery store.

  6. I guess cows and chickens just line up to get slaughtered lol. Idiots

  7. I agree give Bambi a gun and it would be more fun to kill her and then take her gun home! When people compare Humans to stupid animals we are going down a drain as a country! Its a stupid DEER!

  8. That's the kind of deer that you don't harvest. While it's an impressive specimen to kill, your odds of seeing one in the wild are virtually nil.

  9. Once you have had a few deer hit you you will change your mind; the damage done do a vehicle, a driver or passenger can be deadly. I would love to see every deer killed and if the shooter wanted to to mount the head. I don't care for deer meat but a lot of folks do. In this economy if you can get deer meat it may be the only meat you will have the opportunity to eat, with food prices being so high.
    Hunters, please kill a couple for me and enjoy the meat!!

  10. These deer are hanging on walls and have been for HUNDREDS of years. ALL of them have one thing in common; they have ALL been killed, and put in the freezer for food. So, there goes the "Never should have been harvested" theory! Didn't you read the word "record"?
    And for the others commenting about Bambi;, maybe you should all just go out the farms and pay the farmer by the pound, hand the pigs, chickens and cows rifles (well, maybe handguns for the chickens) and shoot your own food, butcher it yourselves, and package and freeze it. Oh, too busy for that? then have someone else do it for you and have it delivered to a store!
    Deere? at least they have the option of sniffing out and getting away in their free range from the hunters! And, the meat is Organic, steroid free and low fat! Best in the world!


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