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Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Braced for a fight, President Barack Obama on Wednesday unveiled the most sweeping proposals for curbing gun violence in two decades, pressing a reluctant Congress to pass universal background checks and bans on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines like the ones used in the Newtown, Conn., school shooting.

A month after that horrific massacre, Obama also used his presidential powers to enact 23 measures that don't require the backing of lawmakers. The president's executive actions include ordering federal agencies to make more data available for background checks, appointing a director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and directing the Centers for Disease Control to research gun violence.



  1. Does he think money grows on trees? Have they balanced the budget yet!!

  2. Pass the legislation NOW without delay. Our kids lives depend on it.

  3. High capacity magazines used in Newtown? A thought the police recovered the "assault rifle" from the trunk of the killer's car.

  4. Just say a great video Sandy hook hoax about 30min long. Sure makes one think.

  5. Government totally out of control. We haven't seen anything yet to those fools who voted for the idiot. Immigration is next and it won't be pretty.

  6. "Pass the legislation NOW without delay. Our kids lives depend on it."

    Ooohh...lookie at me! Look how caring and compassionate I am! I care more about children than you do! I am a good person! Really, I am!

  7. they did find the "assault weapon" in the car. he used the pistols he had to do the shootings. he didn't use the "assault weapon" until the next day when they realized that it played along with the narrative better than the pistols did...

  8. lol and anybody on Obama care will be asked by your doctor DO YOU OWN A GUN my reply will be I think my hearing is a little off what did you say

  9. The hole think was nothing more then a false flag. And yes look it up.

  10. Wow and if you follow the compass of your boat due west you will fall off the planet.

  11. Pass the legislation NOW without delay. Our kids lives depend on it.

    January 16, 2013 at 12:53 PM

    IF gun control worked, Chicago would be the safest place in this country wouldn't it? No?

  12. That stupid buffoon just throws out spending figures like $500 million dollars and thinks we actually have the money. How in the hell did this goof convince so many people that he has a CLUE about leading ANYTHING? The MOST inexperienced person to EVER be president and he isn't getting any better. Now, he want to ban assault weapons because a nut case used two PISTOLS to kill some kids. THAT is either off the charts stupid or a deliberate distortion and scam. Either way, its demeaning to the office he unfortunately holds.


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