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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

George Zimmerman Defense: We Have Trayvon Martin's School Records

The legal team for George Zimmerman, the man accused of shooting and killing Trayvon Martin, has received a copy of the 17-year-old's school records.

"We are entitled to receive the school records because some information in Trayvon Martin's file could be relevant in the defense of George Zimmerman," the website for Zimmerman's legal defense said today.

The records have not been made available to the public but according to Zimmerman's legal team, portions could be revealed later.



  1. Bet 50 Cent you travon was suspended numerous times and a problem child IE fighting bulling talking back to teachers etc etc bring it out.

  2. Classic blame the victim. Zimmerman need to go to jail.

  3. It doesn't matter what his record at school was. Why don't you people get this? The kid was being stalked by a guy with a gun. The guy with a gun murdered a kid who was doing absolutely nothing wrong. Our kids aren't allowed to walk down the street for fear of being shot and killed?

    1. The kid was buying skittles in a gated community.....bull crap.what gated community has a store in it? None.the kid was thuggish.period.

  4. Oh my God, yep doing nothing wrong, waking through a private comunity with a hooded sweatshirt in Fla., and had nothing to do with the fight .... yeah right!

  5. BTW, justice was served! And by the highest power.

  6. Yes it does matter what his school record is. Not his grades but any disciplinary actions and why he was disciplined. A leopard does not change it's spots and if Martin has a propensity toward violence it is relevant. What they are hoping to find is evidence pointing toward Martin initiating fights no doubt.

  7. "waking through a private comunity with a hooded sweatshirt in Fla"

    This is illegal?

  8. 1:00 then how do you explain Zimmerman's injuries if this kid was doing "absolutely nothing wrong?"

  9. Being black in the south is what got that boy shot. It is a disgusting reality and it is why Zimmerman will get away with murder.

  10. It's not illegal to walk through a gated community in a sweatshirt (I refuse to call it a "hoodie" too ghetto for my tastes) but when in a gated community one must expect to be asked who they are and what is their business and if no cohesive answer is given then expect someone within the community to be keeping an eye on you (stalking.) Had Martin acted civil instead of a wannabe on edge thug with an attitude he would most likely be alive today.
    His past record stinks. His family was destined for a lifetime of heartbreak due to his own actions. It just came sooner than later.

  11. Wow! Evidently a lot of the commenters here will be testifying in the court case because evidently they were there! How else can you explain how they know all of these details?

  12. Classic blame the victim. Zimmerman need to go to jail.

    January 16, 2013 at 12:54 PM

    Trayvon was NOT the victim until he MADE himself the victim.

    HE started the fight. HE grabbed for the gun. And HE got shot for it.

    HE made a stupid decision and paid for it with his life.

    HIS actions caused his death. It doesn't matter is he was stalked (which is a stretch) by 40 people. HE was the aggressor. HE set the action in motion.

    There were several different things he could have done, and he would still be alive.

    HE CHOSE to attack. HE CHOSE to take the pistol. HE CHOSE to elevate a fist fight to a level of deadly force.

    HE CHOSE to be killed for his aggression.

    Just because he was a young black kid does not automatically mean racism played any role in this.

    You can try to play that card but it will not fly. People are wise to that crap now.

    If someone were sitting on my chest wailing away at my head with his fists and then went for a gun I was carrying, I would shoot him too.

    I sure as hell would not lie there and let him shoot me, with my own gun even.

    Sorry for the parents loss but THEY should have raised him better.

    He wanted to be a man. He played with fire and got burnt. He is responsible for his own death.

  13. 2:23 The complete (names and addresses redacted) police reports are posted online in accordance with FL's Sunshine laws.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    Classic blame the victim. Zimmerman need to go to jail."

    Martin only became a victim after he made Zimmerman into a victim.
    This isn't a "classic blame the victim" not by a long shot. It's not honest to ignore the facts that lead up to his becomming a victim.

  15. Our local gated communities are always accessible to people walking.The gates are almost always open.There are alarm company signs,but nothing like no trespassing signs that I can see.Point being I can't see why he was in violation of anything prior to his encounter with Zimmerman.

  16. .Point being I can't see why he was in violation of anything prior to his encounter with Zimmerman.

    January 16, 2013 at 4:42 PM

    Irrelevant. Doesn't matter.

  17. You bust my head on the sidewalk i will bust a cap in you, this will be another Rodney king incident and an excuse for African Americans to go on a rampage so let the games begin...

  18. None of this changes the operative facts of the case, and that is: George Zimmerman FALSELY accused Trayvon Martin of being 'suspicious' and 'up to no good' and that GZ got out of his truck and chased TM down on foot in the rain with a loaded 9mm gun, and tried to DETAIN the boy against his will. Those are the FACTS and absolutely NOTHING can change them. Clearly TM had a right to not only be left alone but he also had the right to not be detained by a 'stranger' who NEVER identified themselves and as far as TM knew, GZ was really trying to molest him, rape him or kidnap him.

    Imagine the situation where you send your 12 year old daughter out to get a bag of sugar and GZ sees her and tries to detain her for no reason. What should your daughter do? Should she allow GZ to detain her against her will or should she smack the living day-lights out of him? And if she 'smacks' the living day-lights out of GZ, is it ok for GZ to claim self-defense if he shoots her in the chest for knocking him out? If so, explain...

  19. I have no idea where in the heck you got your info 6:34 but no where was it every said that Zimmerman "detained" Martin. Zimmerman was on his way back to his vehicle as instructed by the 911 operator when he was jumped by Martin which explains his bloody head and broken nose. Martin's only other injury besides the gunshot wound was abrasions on the back of his hands proof he punched Zimmerman. Don't be an apologist for a common thug who was no angel and had already been caught previously with stolen jewelry. He was no good and had been suspended from school numerous times. If you want to live high risk like a common criminal then expect to die like one. It's not rocket science.

    Your comparison beteen Martin who was 17 and a 12 yr old girl is so silly and not worthy of an answer.

  20. From ABC News-

    "The reports also note that two witness accounts appear to back up Zimmerman's version of what happened when they describe a man on his back with another person wearing a hoodie straddling him and throwing punches."


    " The police report states that Trayvon Martin's father told an investigator after listening to 911 tapes that captured a man's voice frantically callling for help that it was not his son calling for help."

    What's ironic is shortly thereafter Martin's father changes his story when he realized this was to Zimmerman's advantage. This speaks volumes to the dynamics of that family. They lie and allow others to lie for them as when Jackson said the PD didn't investigate which is a total fabrication as the PD was on the scene for some 7 hours. These parents are obviously lacking in morals so it can be concluded that their son was raised lacking in morals.

  21. You are comparing apples to onions 6:34. No where has it ever been suggested that GZ had "detained" Martin. Your comparison is unreasonable in that it doesn't compare to this case one iota. It's a totally different scenario you are suggesting.

  22. "Being black in the south is what got that boy shot."

    Restrain your prejudice, moron. Zimmerman is part black himself.

  23. None of this changes the operative facts of the case, and that is: George Zimmerman FALSELY accused Trayvon Martin of being 'suspicious' and 'up to no good' and that GZ got out of his truck and chased TM down on foot in the rain with a loaded 9mm gun, and tried to DETAIN the boy against his will. Those are the FACTS and absolutely NOTHING can change them.

    NONE of what you said is true. Where do you get your 'FACTS' from? The Enquirer? Or maybe our own daily times?

    I couldn't read any more of your trash. But if you were joking or practicing your fiction writing, you are getting pretty good at that.

  24. Trayvon was a PUNK trying to look like a THUG acting like a thug got SHOT like a thug.

  25. George is a wonderful example of how we can make ourselves a better citizen. Not everyone agrees but that's life.

  26. 12:54-You have it all wrong. The victim in this case was George Zimmerman. His life has been destroyed because he defended himself against a worthless thug. George Zimmerman is an American hero.

  27. Lucky it wasn't me I would have emptied the gun into him. He was a punk want a be looking for his next heist

  28. 8:40-Stop your lying. Zimmerman never chased Martin nor did he ever attempt to detain him. Don't make up lies to suit what you would have liked the scenario to be.
    FYI-You can't falsely accuse someone of being suspicious. Suspicious is too subjective of a description open to attitudes, beliefs and opinions. What's suspicious to one person may be interpreted as perfectly innocent behaviour to another person.


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