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Wednesday, January 02, 2013


The Gannett-owned newspaper that caused a stir by printing the personal information of registered gun owners in New York’s Westchester, Rockland, and Putnam counties has discovered that it’s no fun having your personal information exposed to the entire world.

Responding to a national backlash over their decision to publish an interactive map with the names and addresses of registered gun owners, the editorial staff at Gannett’s Journal News has hired armed guards to watch over their building.

“A Clarkstown police report issued on December 28, 2012, confirmed that The Journal News has hired armed security guards from New City-based RGA Investigations and that they are manning the newspaper’s Rockland County headquarters … through at least tomorrow, Wednesday, January 2, 2013,” the County Times reports.



  1. Just a taaaad ironic...eh?

  2. Now that is funny.

  3. Stupid is as stupid does. They brought it on themselves.

  4. I have an idea, why not publish the names and addresses of the editoral staff in a separate media forum on the internet. Good for goose, good for gander.

  5. Maybe the editorial staff is now losing a little sleep now Ha you better watch your backs and sleep tight.

  6. With them posting the names of gun permit holders online it actually shows the criminals where to go and where not to go. They now know the home owners who won't have a gun to protect themselves.

  7. 1:51 You know the politically correct editorial staff won't be armed so the publishing of their addresses will have more consequences. It is about time these leftist nut jobs felt a little heat for their stupid actions. Maybe they will wake up and realize not everyone is a communist leaning pathetic pansy with no respect for the constitution.

  8. I thought the focus/thrust of the Gannett-owned newspaper's mantra was "NO Guns in New York"? If they truly believed in what they publicize, then their guards should Not be armed? Fake, phony people who's only pretend defense mechanism is their loose lips and finger tips, coupled with their liberal lies. It's just one more case of liberal absurdity, thanklessness for all of the sacrifice that the Americans of our past have made to guarantee/ensure our God given freedoms. I call the liars and fakers like Gannett TRAITORS, the same group of elected ones, I call DEMOCRATS.

  9. The criminals will break into the homes of those with guns and use them on the people in the homes without guns.

    Everyone endangered. Gannett at its finest.

  10. I an enjoying calling their disabled voice mails, downed fb pages, and their home and work phone numbers. I always ask when they will be publishing the list of criminals who have used guns in committing crimes, their home phone numbers (beside the jail number, you know, family) their email, Twit and FB accounts, etc.

    To mu dismay, I have received no call backs... I just don't understand....

  11. YES list the editorial staff's info
    and see how they like it !!!!!

  12. I assume the guards will be carrying GUNS? How ironic...


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