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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

A Year For Dignity


There is a thread that unites the story of our people, it is the thread of human dignity. Last year, we took important steps forward in the struggle to promote the dignity of all Marylanders.

We made the DREAM of college more affordable for more Maryland families. We recognized the Piscataway Indians for the first time in our state's long history. Together, we became the first state ever to defend marriage equality at the ballot box -- and we did so in a way that protects freedom of religion.

Two nights ago, Maryland's new marriage equality law took effect. To all the newlyweds in Maryland, Katie and I offer our sincere congratulations; we wish them the very best of luck in their lives together.

We made progress in 2012, but our work is not yet finished. In 2013, let's continue to work together to defend fairness and advance the cause of dignity for all Marylanders.

Martin O'Malley


  1. Oh, by the way, I plan to up the gasoline Tax at least 5 cents a gallon. I know the gay folks and the illegals in Maryland will support this new tax. After all, they make up .05% of the population.

  2. The most significant accomplishment was the recognition of the Piscataway Indians. It is truly regrettable that was never done before until we got strong leadership with a vision.

  3. Isn't that special!


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