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Friday, January 25, 2013

NEVER Talk To The FBI Without A Lawyer. Here Is Why

This is a great talk with the civil libertarian and defense attorney Harvey Silverglate. He is the same person that was mentioned in my recent post: A Broken Justice System: “Most Americans Commit About Three Felonies a Day.” This video is not just for those that fear they may one day be paid a visit by the Feds, but it is important for all of us to be aware of how the system works and just how shady these characters can be. Land of the free!

Ever heard of a Form 302? If not, definitely take the time to watch.


  1. But if a person has not been officially arrested they would have to pay big bucks to have an attorney present.Popping out a grand or so just to have someone tell you not to answer questions is not affordable to most of us,especially when answering questions will land you in jail anyway.At that point an attorney is free.Not necessarily a great attorney,but who really needs a great attorney to tell you to shut the hell up?

  2. Do not speak to ANY Government official on the record about anything.

  3. I have seen a video that floated around a while back by a law professor who basicly said to never ever talk to the police.

  4. yeah, listen to this man. you see a crime, dont talk. when a crime happens to you and your family, hope the others follow same.

  5. yeah, listen to this man. you see a crime, dont talk. when a crime happens to you and your family, hope the others follow same.

    January 25, 2013 at 8:52 PM

    Dude,.....you're just dense.


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