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Friday, January 25, 2013


‘HB-106 - The Repeal of The Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Act of 2012 (SB - 236) - Recieves a Hearing Date’

(ANNAPOLIS) -- Today it was announced that HB-106, entiled ‘Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act of 2012 - Repeal’, will be heard in the Environmental Matters Committee on February 6th, at 1:00 p.m. “Let’s get as many people as possible to come out to Annapolis to testify in favor of this bill.  We need to show the Environmental Matters Committee the negative impact this bill has on the people of Maryland and their property rights” stated Delegate Mike McDermott (R- District 38B) in response to the hearing date.  

“Last year, the General Assembly took away decision making authority from our local governments under SB-236.  In the name of ‘preservation’, they gave us restrictions, and in the name of ‘planning’, they have now  taken control.  Currently, many local governments are waiting and hoping that some relief will come during the 2013 Session, and I am hoping to do just that with the Repeal of SB- 236” stated Delegate McDermott.

What YOU can do to SUPPORT this bill:
  1. Come to Annapolis and testify in favor of the bill in Environmental Matters on February 6th.  

  • You have to sign up on the “Witness Sheet” in the Environmental Matters Committee room by 12:00pm.  This Committee is  located in Room 251 of the Lowe House Office  Building.
  • If you cannot make the hearing, or you would like to voice your opinion in writing, you can also submit “written testimony” in favor of the bill to the Environmental Matters Committee.  You can submit the written testimony by either emailing Delegate Maggie McIntosh, the Chair of the Committee, at maggie.mcintosh@house.state.md.us.  You can also mail your letter to the committee at:

Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Chair
Environmental Matters Committee, Rm 251
Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen St., Annapolis 21401

As the title or subject of your written testimony, you should include the words
“Written Testimony in Support of HB - 106.”

  1. Contact the Delegates of the Environmental Matters Committee by mail, phone, and/or e-mail.  

  1. Call the Delegate and Senator of the district you live in and voice your support.  

  • If you are unsure of who represents you, or their contact information, please visit: http://mdelect.net/.

  1. Pass this press release on to as many Marylanders as you can.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Delegate McDermott’s office at 410-841-3431.  Or you can email him at mike.mcdermott@house.state.md.us.

1 comment:

  1. Farmers,developers,anyone who plans to own property someday you better show up or voice your approval.


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