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Friday, January 11, 2013

My Line In The Sand Is Drawn Here!

If Barack Obama and his gaggle of gun grabbers have their way, the American citizenry will have all of their firearms taken away. If their current attempt to outlaw semi-automatic rifles is successful, does anyone think it will stop there? Don’t be naïve! The goal of people like Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, Charles Schumer, et al., has always been total gun confiscation. In fact, Senator Feinstein is actually on record as saying so.

According to Infowars.com, “Senator Dianne Feinstein’s ultimate plan has always been to have Mr. and Mrs. America turn in their guns to the government, period. Feinstein’s bill would criminalize millions of Americans and completely eviscerate second amendment rights.

“She tells us a gun ban is about saving the children and reducing crime, but her comments on 60 Minutes in 1995 reveal her true plan is to target law-abiding American gun owners.

“On Thursday, Feinstein will introduce her dream bill to disarm the American people. The legislation is open-ended and includes provisions to re-register firearms and submit the fingerprints of law-abiding Americans as if they’re sex offenders.

“Feinstein’s bill will also include a buy-back provision that will allow the government to confiscate all firearms. Both Feinstein and New York governor Andrew Cuomo have said that is their plan.

“It is a gun confiscation bill.

“The proposed bill is open declaration of war on the Second Amendment.

“It’s no coincidence that the communist Chinese, the biggest holders of U.S. debt, have demanded the American people be disarmed. History tells us that it is the instinct of all tyrants to disarm the slaves.”

The report plays a video in which Senator Feinstein said, “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States, for an outright ban, picking up [every gun]… Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in.”



  1. Just like it happened in Nazi Germany... History repeats itself.

  2. The kook liberals praise the movie zero dark thirty but are against waterboarding.This proves how they think.

  3. Passage of such a bill would be a world changing event sending us back to world war II.

  4. Actually 3:51 I think it would be WW III

  5. The proposed bill is open declaration of war on the american people and the Second Amendment.

  6. These libtard a$$***s need to watch the movie "The Patriot"

    It's coming!

  7. Not till after you turn in yours. Didn't think so

  8. Why do some of you get your facts (delusions) from a movie or a t.v. show?

    You do know that stuff is fake don't you?

    Even the ones 'based on true stories', are more hollywood than fact.

    There are a ton of ways to get facts and information, real ones, that to listen to some tripe from actors.

  9. As soon as the state police or the national guard bang on your doors you will be rushing to give them your guns and every single bullet you can find.

    People around here TALK a good game but that's it. When push comes to shove, they will tuck their tails and whimper away.

    All of you are rambo's when you're standing together in your camo outfits and baseball caps.

    We don't need BULLIES. We need MEN. So get in your outdated 4x4 with tires taller than you and go back to your trailer park and drinks some beers dudes.

    You will think up some hero bs to tell everybody why your guns are gone.

  10. You are right 11:33. Courage is the ability to stand on your principals when you are scared to death. Pray we don't have to but I fear we may have to test ourselves sooner than later.


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