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Sunday, January 06, 2013

Many Patients Unaware Of Radiation Risks From CT Scans

Last time you had a CT scan did your doctor tell you that it would expose you to radiation? Probably not, according to a study out this week. And even if you were told, you might underestimate the radiation dose, too.

Researchers from the University of Washington School of Medicine's radiology department in Seattle surveyed 235 patients who had undergone non-urgent computed tomography (CT) or single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) cardiac scans from February through December 2011. About a third of the patients said they did not know that the scans exposed them to radiation. And of the 154 patients who did understood that, only 45 percent said that the health care provider who ordered the imaging test had informed them about the radiation exposure.

Almost 90 percent of the patients said they were not worried about scan radiation. But about the same percentage (85 percent) underestimated their exposure, and only 5 percent understood that scan radiation might increase their lifetime risk of cancer. The study was published this week in Archives of Internal Medicine.


1 comment:

  1. I'm not. Still can't smell or taste and lost all my hair.


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