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Monday, January 07, 2013


Earlier we reported that the Los Angeles Police Department made a big show of having found "rocket launchers" during it most recent gun buyback program. We pointed out that the so-called launchers were being misreported and the police were likely using them as a scare tactic. But now we find that this same police chief has apparently done this before.

On December 27 L.A. Police Chief Charlie Beck displayed a pair of what he claimed were "weapons of war" turned in during his latest gun buyback program. Chief Beck told the media that a pair of "rocket launchers" turned up and he evidently wanted to scare his city and make waves in the media about his success in getting these "weapons of death" off the streets of L.A.

Of course, the "rocket launchers" Chief Beck showed the Old Media establishment were nothing of the kind. Instead, what Beck waved about during the December press conference were apparently U.S. Army training devices that were dummy devices. They are essentially prop pieces made to show young soldiers what such anti-tank weapons look like and how they feel. These training devices have likely never been able to fire anything nor could they be made to do so.



  1. So they bought fakes. Great photo op though. Simple, Democrats selling to Democrats with no clue what they are buying. But it ain't their money so why should they care.

  2. lol nobody turned them in and nobody got paid, unless the chief took the money. It's just one of their scare tactics to get guns off the street and make it look like his program is working.

    He has done this 1-2x before. Nowhere else in the country do these 'training devices' show up.

  3. Now you know why people don't trust cops

  4. Typical law enforcement, criminals with badges!

  5. False. Those are working AT-4s. They don't have rockets in them however, and they are, indeed, used as training devices. That doesn't in any way change the fact that they are very real anti-tank rocket launchers. Anyone who has fired an AT-4 can look at it and know that.

  6. One of the earlier commentors obviously knew what he was talking about.He said it was a fake when this post first came out.

  7. If it aint loaded,its worthless.

  8. "Those are working AT-4s. They don't have rockets in them however," So, in other words, it is a piece of pipe?

  9. 7:27 Anyone that's fired one knows what he's holding is not reusable anyway even if it was not a dummy training device as confirmed. The AT-4 is a one off disposable.

  10. 7:27 your missing the point. How many times are they going to show the same thing over and over again .

  11. False. Those are working AT-4s. They don't have rockets in them however, and they are, indeed, used as training devices. That doesn't in any way change the fact that they are very real anti-tank rocket launchers. Anyone who has fired an AT-4 can look at it and know that.

    January 7, 2013 7:27 PM

    Obviously you do not know what you are talking about nor can you read AND understand what you have read.

  12. looks to me, without anything loaded in it, like a very high-tech looking club. let's make a law banning high-tech-looking-clubs!


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