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Friday, January 11, 2013

Joe Albero Makes USA Today News


  1. Is that a picture of Jim in the ladies room.

  2. I hope you win Joe. Salisbury needs a breath of fresh honesty. Good Luck!

  3. No 10:14 - that's a picture of Joe who is grasping Jim "The Snake" Ireton before he throws him out of office and relieves him of his mayoral position.

  4. USA TODAY is a division of Gannett Co. Inc. as is the DT and all pick up news from one annother. So perhaps you should thank the DT for going national.

  5. There are literally YEARS of homophobic, bigoted, misogynistic rants from Joe himself on here. Joe might appeal to the fanatical conservatives that read his blog but he has a ZERO% chance of winning over anyone who is moderately conservative, independent or liberal.

  6. Joe only posts the truth.The commenters do the rest.

  7. 9:00 am Joe says what other people are thinking. He keeps it real. Also if you dislike Joe so much, why did you bother coming to the blog? Shoo Liberal Shoo!

  8. 9:00 a.m., Joe treats women much better than Ireton does. He was even nicer to Louise Smith than Ireton was.

    Joe supported Ireton the first time (like many of the rest of us suckers), so homophobic doesn't cut it.

    Bigoted? Joe set off the firestorm about Crisfield not getting help because government doesn't care about poor blacks. Now Crisfield is getting help.

    Since Ireton made the same rant against Joe, sounds like your Ireton or one of his minions.

    By the way, Joe, I like how USA Today put this. You do run a POPULAR NEWS blog that's often critical of municipal government. That's a straight up fact, something the Daily Times rarely prints.

  9. no that couldn't be Jim he doesn't like the color blue, he likes pink.

  10. I sent an e-mail to the other guy and asked him why he didn't mention anything about Joe Albero running for mayor. I told him that he was so good that USA TODAY had a little write up about him. His reply isn't printable. He must be livid. lol I hope you win Joe, even though i can't vote for ya.


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