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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Is Wicomico Better Off Today Than It Was a Year Ago?

Today, no sooner than Governor O'Malley issues a press release touting Maryland's improved job growth - a local area journalist responds with real live statistics to refute his claim.

In Wicomico County below is the actual Workforce Data Numbers that have been released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.  The local area employment picture is much worse than today's O'Malley employment press release.

Wicomico County Monthly Workforce Data Comparison 2011 verses 2012

February 2012 - 99 workforce gain

March 2012 - (43) workforce loss

April 2012 - (175) workforce loss

May 2012 - 164 workforce gain

June 2012 - 431 workforce gain

July 2012 - 738 workforce gain

August 2012 - (51) workforce loss

September 2012 - (928) workforce loss

October 2012 - (897) workforce loss

*November 2012 - (747) workforce loss - (Preliminary reporting January 8, 2012)

Total displacement - (1,409) net workforce loss in Wicomico County
Labor Force Data By County, Not Seasonally Adjusted - 02/11 through 11/12
Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics
CountyPeriodLabor ForceEmployedUnemployed     Rate (%)
Wicomico 11-Feb 52506 47333 5173 9.9
Wicomico 11-Mar 53116 48391 4725 8.9
Wicomico 11-Apr 52961 48485 4476 8.5
Wicomico 11-May 53444 48877 4567 8.5
Wicomico 11-Jun 53825 48951 4874 9.1
Wicomico 11-Jul 54139 49273 4866 9
Wicomico 11-Aug 53423 48706 4717 8.8
Wicomico 11-Sep 53821 49172 4649 8.6
Wicomico 11-Oct 53384 48809 4575 8.6
Wicomico 11-Nov 53153 48516 4637 8.7
Wicomico 11-Dec 53213 48619 4594 8.6
Wicomico 12-Jan 51246 46321 4925 9.6
Wicomico 12-Feb 52605 47554 5051 9.6
Wicomico 12-Mar 53073 48351 4722 8.9
Wicomico 12-Apr 52786 48389 4397 8.3
Wicomico 12-May 53608 49253 4355 8.1
Wicomico 12-Jun 54256 49598 4658 8.6
Wicomico 12-Jul 54877 50349 4528 8.3
Wicomico 12-Aug 53372 49007 4365 8.2
Wicomico 12-Sep 52893 48773 4120 7.8
Wicomico 12-Oct 52487 48385 4102 7.8
Wicomico 12-Nov 52406 48060 4346 8.3
p = preliminary. SOURCE:  BLS, LAUS


  1. I have known that the employment conditions were not right in this county for a long time. This just goes to prove that our nation is in one heck of a predicament, employment wise.

    And yet the municipal benefits and entitlements continue to go up while our economic base continues to erode.

  2. Just ask somebody looking for a job. The internet always looks like there are a lot of jobs out there, until you follow up in person and find that those jobs have been filled long ago and are still posted as opportunities.

    I have skills and management experience, applied for a housekeeping job at Salisbury University. No reply.

  3. The only growth sector that I see growing is the government. Just look at what is going on at Walston Switch Road & Rt. 50. How much longer can our citizens sustain this unbridled growth? How about just across town at the former Dresser facility? Don't our leaders recognise that once all of these new government facilities are built-out that they need to then be maintained.

  4. It is really a sad situation considering that your government is trying to control the information streaming into your home. Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin all did the same.

  5. One has to take these government press releases with a grain of salt. Do not give to much credence to them as these officials are trying to feather their own nest.

  6. These statistics don't account for the job losses where folks had to go elsewhere to find a job - the major employer here in the SBY area is still letting folks go (and or losing them due to lack of retention policy). After I was let go - I had to go waaay out of the area to find a job using my skills.

  7. The data clearly shows that the local employment picture is bleak. I hope that Sbynews continues to publish this type of information as it is the only media that is out there trying to look out for the average Joe Blow.

  8. Joe - this is asbsolutely horrible economic news. 1,409 lost in our local area workforce is terrible.

    Wow, I had no idea that it was this bad. Considering the data, I consider myself lucky to even have a job.

  9. Well I'm getting ready to lose my job!

  10. Well, Joe, I wish you luck and pray you get the job. But I don't have to remind you that our NATION'S unemployment situation was also bleak and the nation's financial shape was worse than a crackhead's balance sheet. Yet MILLIONS cheered the incompetent fool who presided over it. Maybe you could belt out a few bars of "Let's Get It On" and bust a few dance moves....but facts and figures really don't mean a lot to people who can't add 2+2 or read a graph. Again, good luck.

  11. Look around this area. There is hardly any construction going on at all. There are a lot of people in those trades that are out of work. Some have been forced to go out of area to find work. Home prices have gone down all over the state except for 2 counties in Md. All the people that work around the government never even knew what a recession was. They hardly blink or even know anything like that happened in that area.

  12. Government is the only growth machine because Washington wants small business destroyed so the socialist agenda can move foward.

  13. In last weeks daily rag Pollitt's # 1 and #2 guru's said we will need another tax increase bend over

  14. What part of these figures don't you understand???These stats clearly show that the unemployment rate has declined.

  15. Another tax increase for we citizens???? Before a discussion on raising our taxes, the city and county governments including both councils should examine all the waste and duplication of services and streamline EVERY OPERATION in our local/county government. During this difficult economic time, the time is now to adjust how business is done to SAVE MONEY not see how much you can spend and waste on the backs of citizens by raising taxes.

  16. Response to 9:34 Posting

    There are lots of other local government spending projects you overlooked. How about the civic center parking lot. Or how about buildings that SU purchased from Nolan, John Deere Landscape, Purity Bacon, and not to mention the properties for the new Bennett Schools. And yet revenues are on the decline. If it were not for SBYnews, all of this would be 'sweep under the rug'.

  17. To 12:51 Posting

    You are so funny. Most people first look at the unemployment rate and then equate that to good news - when in fact - the work force numbers tell the whole story.

    That is exactly the way The Daily Times would report the numbers.

  18. reference 3:52 Posting

    That is also why DT is on their way out. People are getting sick and tired of being manipulated.

  19. I will tell you what is happening. The taxpayers are becoming subserviant unto the government. Instead of the government serving the people, the people have become enslaved unto those working in the government. And everyone of sbynews readers knows this is true. The government employees and department heads have no qualms about lobbying the elected public officials into believing and thus raising your taxes in order to satisfy their insatiable appetite for more power and money.

  20. 5:01 - AMEN BROTHER! You have hit the nail on the head.

  21. I see that in November 2011 we only had 53,153 people working whereas now in November 2012 we have 52,406 working. That is a substantial difference or 747 less than this time last year. That is not good news.

  22. Joe, do u have any plans/ideas to create much needed decent paying jobs and/or to lure major companies/corporations to the Eastern Shore?

    This has been a very oppressive and depressive region in MD I'm regards to the employment situation for far too long.

  23. anonymous 5:51, yes, I have an incredible plan to help bring jobs to Salisbury. My plan will make the greatest strides ever brought forth for the City. We can discuss this further at one of our meet and greets coming very soon.

  24. 5:51 here...sounds great Joe.
    I have been pushing for local politicians to do this for several years to no avail.
    It's almost as if they have no desire to or to make many other needed changes for that matter. They may be living comfortable lives, but too many people in our area are suffering unnecessarily.

  25. Not to worry -- we have Rick (the Slick) Pollitt!

  26. anonymous 6:39, I couldn't agree more. This is why I have already met with the County Executive's Office referencing this matter. They are very EXCITED to finally have a candidate who is willing to plan for the future. A candidate with a strong vision. A candidate with ideas outside the box that can and will work.

    This is no game to me. My name and reputation is on the line and I will make Salisbury and Wicomico County residents proud to live here once again.

    Playing off the old and tired ideas, (or the lack there of) from the Tilghman Administration isn't going to work. Heck, it hasn't worked. You can't have a full time government employee since adulthood like Jim Ireton who has absolutely NO business experience running Salisbury.

    He may give a good speech but he's done NOTHING, nor did Barrie Tilghman.

    If the citizens will have me, TOGETHER we're going to make Salisbury an unbelievable place to live and work.

    I have the ideas, I have the plans, I just need your vote.

  27. I have to agree with Joe's assessment about bringing jobs to Salisbury/Wicomico being a priority.

    If something is not done and fast - we are definitely going down for the count. The local area job lose is staggering when you consider that our population growth is increasing exponentially and yet our job base is diminishing. This scenario is unsustainable.

  28. Responding to 9:53 - I agree. As far I'm concerned it is in a crisis stage. Something needs to be done and fast.


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