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Thursday, January 17, 2013


Efforts to eliminate pork and offset spending from the Hurricane Sandy relief package failed Tuesday night, as President Barack Obama and Democrats declared victory for an aid bill that will total over $60 billion.

Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) sponsored an amendment that would have administered a 1.63% cut to discretionary programs to fund the $17 billion baseline bill. "The time has come and gone in this nation where we can walk in here one day and spend nine or 17 or 60 billion dollars and not think about who's paying for it," said Rep. Mulvaney.

However, the measure was defeated 162-258. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) voted against the Mulvaney amendment; Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) voted for it. Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee Hal Rogers (R-KY) blasted the effort to offset spending, saying it would involve “devastating slash and burn cuts” that would “totally discriminate, cutting the good and the bad.”



  1. But of course,its the DC way.

  2. It so sickening that the Congress an not pass a "clean" bill. Get the help to those who need it & Congress needs to leave their pet projects for regular arguments. They did the same thing with every major disaster relief bill passed. I'm going to tell them what they can do with their pork when they're up for re-election.

  3. That reminds me,I forgot to buy bacon while ago at Wal Mart.All of this talk about lard and pork jogged my memory.That's probably what's clogging my brain up anyway.


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