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Wednesday, January 16, 2013


(CUMBERLAND, MD) -- Maryland State Police homicide investigators are now working with state public safety investigators in an ongoing investigation after an inmate who was assaulted in a Western Maryland prison late last year has died from his injuries.

The deceased inmate is identified as Michael Armstead, 53. Armstead was serving a life sentence at the North Branch Correctional Institution in Cumberland, Md.

A suspect has been identified who is an inmate at the same prison. He is also serving a life sentence. Charges against him are pending.

Shortly before 10:00 a.m. on November 27, 2012, staff at the North Branch Correctional Institution witnessed the suspect assaulting the victim as inmates were moving to the dining hall. Correctional officers and staff interceded and ended the assault. Armstead had sustained trauma to his head and was transported to the Western Maryland Regional Medical Center in Cumberland.

In the weeks following, the victim was transferred to hospitals in the Baltimore area for treatment. He was pronounced dead at Bon Secours Hospital on January 9, 2012.

The victim’s body was transported to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy to determine the cause and manner of death. The medical examiner has now ruled Armstead’s death was a homicide caused by a head injury.

As per procedure, the initial assault investigation was conducted by the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services Internal Investigations Unit. Investigators maintained contact with Maryland State Police Homicide Unit investigators during their investigation. Following the death of the victim, Maryland State Police homicide investigators are continuing the investigation, with assistance from the DPSCS IIU investigators. Upon completion of the investigation, it will be presented to the Allegany County State’s Attorney’s Office for review and charges.


  1. perfect time for the use of the death penalty. you're already serving life and kill another inmate, straight to the front of the line!

  2. let them kill each other.. who cares? They are doing LIFE for a reason.

  3. Are they serious doing an investigation??? Oh please do you think the guy who did the killing gives a rat's butt...he's already doing life what's one more??? Stop wasting taxpayer dollars investigating anything...its ridiculous and a waste of alot of peoples time...I'm with 3:35 send him to the head of the line...

  4. spare any sympathy. maybe the "penalty" coulkd be resurrected.

  5. MSP Homicide should be the main and only investigators. What experience does corrections officers have with investigation homicides?

  6. Are they serious doing an investigation??? Oh please do you think the guy who did the killing gives a rat's butt...he's already doing life what's one more??? Stop wasting taxpayer dollars investigating anything...its ridiculous and a waste of alot of peoples time...I'm with 3:35 send him to the head of the line...

    January 17, 2013 at 9:38 AM

    Yes, they are serious about an investigation. It's called the LAW. And they have to follow it for everyone and everything.

    If not, they could charge someone with anything they liked and get away with it.

    I understand your frustration but that's the way it is. And really, that's the way it should be in all fairness.

    It's not a question of if he deserves it. But if the guy he killed had many friends in there, we might soon be reading about his death.

    And yes, another trial.


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