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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Creationism Spreading In Schools, Thanks To Vouchers

I first began investigating creationist school vouchers as my part of my fight against creationism in my home state of Louisiana. Over the past few months, I’ve learned creationist vouchers aren’t just a Louisiana problem—they’re an American problem. School vouchers are, as James Gill recently wrote in the New Orleans Times-Picayune, “the answer to a creationist’s prayer.” 

Liberty Christian School, in Anderson, Indiana, has field trips to the Creation Museum and students learn from the creationist A Beka curriculum. Kingsway Christian School, in Avon, Indiana, also has Creation Museum field trips. Mansfield Christian School, in Ohio, teaches science through the creationist Answers in Genesis website, run by the founder of the Creation Museum. The school’s Philosophy of Science page says, “the literal view of creation is foundational to a Biblical World View.” All three of these schools, and more than 300 schools like them, are receiving taxpayer money.



  1. This atheist kid needs to either find something productive to do with his time in God's country or to move to a non-believing Muslim country because Americans live in "One nation, under God!"

  2. While the Creation Museum may not be as entertaining or infomative to the author as the Oyster & Maritime Museum on CI, I don't believe it's part of the students' "science" curriculum as much as their religious curriculum. I doubt they teach that quantum mechanics was non-existent in the Garden of Eden.
    If the kids are learning the 3 R's, they're being educated better than 75% of the other US students in public schools.
    He mentions no jobs for Creationists. He's a history major. I'll bet the Wall Street head hunters are knocking his door down.
    (Zack Kopplin):
    "We don't just deny evolution," he says, "We are denying climate change and vaccines and other mainstream science. I'm calling for a Second Giant Leap to change the perception of science in the world."
    This kid has a passion and it's being exploited by the progressive whacks.
    And no, I personally don't care for Creationism.

  3. In GOD we need to TRUST my fellow Americans and current selfish, greedy, and pleasure-principled politicians!
    Take heed to our Founding Fathers' warnings if we continue to reject Him.

  4. This is such a non issue. The reason Creationism is not taught in Science class is because it is not Science. It is part of a religious philosophy, which has no place in the science class. Evolution, which IS Science, and has mountains of evidence, which is overwhelmingly supported by the overwhelming majority of the Scientific community... is what should be taught int the Science class. Seriously, with the exception of "biblical literalists", many churches/Christian sects are saying the Evolution is true, and does not conflict with their ideology. Evolution is NOT about creation. It is about the diversity of life and how it changes.

    America is going to get left behind, because we do not educate our children in Science... and people who don't understand Evolution or what it is are making a grave error.

  5. I have read that it is impossible to prove that evolution was how humans originated.
    Not trying to be smart ass, but please enlighten us with solid proof that you may have to share.

  6. Creationism is propaganda promoted by the money/church factory.

  7. @5:43 That is a great question and I don't think you are being a smart ass. Evolution says NOTHING about the origin of life. It is about the diversification of life and how it changes, allowing traits that are more favorable to survival to carry on. This forum is not a great place to expand on it, but go to any library, or simply do a search on it. You'll find it. I would argue that most people who try to argue against Evolution, are not knowledgable on it, nor do they know what it is. In the scientific community, there is no debate over it. In fact, there is more evidence for the "theory" of Evolution, than there is for the "theory" of Gravity.


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