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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: No Players Elected To Baseball Hall of Fame

Baseball Writers' Association picks no one for the Hall of Fame this year, skipping several top players suspected of steroid use.

From Fox News


  1. The gleem in a childs eyes when he watches his first major league game is what it's all about.If he's lucky he'll see a home run or 2,and if he's really lucky he'll get to meet one or more of the players after the game.That is an experience he will never forget.The BWA is seemingly oblivious to what really matters.

  2. Pete Rose should be in !!!!

  3. It's the new Ob' normal in this country--Guilty until proven innocent.

  4. 3:49 I agree with you

  5. Pete Rose should not be in, ever. And I am a big fan of his play.

    Baseball had a major corruption problem in the early part of the 1900's. The "Black Sox Scandal" put a shadow over the game for years. Ever since then it was well known to ALL major league baseball players that betting on baseball was and is FORBIDDEN. PERIOD.

    Not only did Pete Rose choose to ignore this, he lied about it for years. The integrity of the game is first and foremost, and gambling threatens the sacred trust that cannot be denied or excused - the players are playing to win. The fans deserve that - if not it becomes wrestling - a vaudville show.

    Don't do the crime if you can't (or are unwilling) to do the time.

  6. Pete Rose never bet against his team which was the intent of the ban in the first place. Pete Rose would not throw a game with a gun at his head. This year no players were elected. The baseball writers assn. who are the voters obviously didn't focus on one very important fact. Steroids were not illegal until 2009 in MLB. Anyone who tested positive after it was made illegal understandably should not be voted in, but to penalize guys for not doing anything illegal is ignorant. Just another reason for the Hall to close its doors. Pete Rose is the purest hitter the game will ever see. If you want to enshrine players who weren't the best close the doors. It's like having a chocolate sandwich cookie hall of fame and not letting Oreo's in the hall because they contain to much saturated fat giving them an unfare advantage. My point exactly. Close the Hall.


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