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Wednesday, January 09, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Biden Suggests Executive Action On Gun Control

Vice President Joe Biden says President Obama could use executive action -- and bypass Congress -- to toughen gun control laws. 



  1. And it came to pass, that the streets ran red with blood, the blood of the criminals that believed they had the God given right to confiscate legally owned firearms. And the land quaked with the blasts of homemade explosives in government buildings, Police stations and National Guard armories. Innocent children were run over by tanks, and there was looting in the towns all across the land. When his highness looked down across the country he asked how could this be, the people love me, I am their savior, their God, after all they re-elected me to guide them and lead them into the future, I feed them and give them Health care, I house them, why do they do this? Then the real God answered his highness Obama, and said, “It is because you have embraced Satan, and the Muslim religion, you have trampled on the Constitution, you have dishonored my name, and you have shamed America all over this world with your stupidity!”

  2. Uh Gerald.... Those kind of rants are the reason all people should not be allowed to have guns. I think you are making their point for them.

  3. Uh Gerald.... Those kind of rants are the reason all people should not be allowed to have guns. I think you are making their point for them.

    January 9, 2013 8:38 PM

    You my friend have it assbackwards.

    ALL people should not be allowed to own guns?!

    Would that blanket statement include police and military?

    Maybe people like YOU should not own weapons. You don't sound intelligent enough to operate one safely.

    I am sick and god damn tired of morons like you who want to take other peoples RIGHTS away because you are scared of guns.

    Like Ted Nugent told Piers and Obamma, you can kiss my ass.

    If you don't want to own a gun, that's fine. Don't buy one. But damnit, leave the rest of us the freak alone.

    I bet in a former life you were one of those jews sympathetic to the nazi's who turned fellow jews in to get an extra slice of bread.

    And to think, brave men and women died just so you had the right to say that garbage.


  4. It's hard to dignify this stupidity with a reasonable remark.I don't think he will be asked to run in the next election.

  5. Gerald. I own guns. My point was, I am not so sure YOU should. By the way, my Dad was in the Air Force, I did 24 years in the Navy, and my son served 4 years in the USMC. I was not aware that military service was required to have an opinion on this, but I think my family has that covered.


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