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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Baltimore VA Office Worst In Nation For Processing Disability Claims

The Baltimore office of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is the slowest in the country in processing disability claims for servicemen and servicewomen — averaging about a year — and makes more mistakes than any other office.

The failures locally are a symptom of a national breakdown: Across the country, more than 900,000 veterans wait an average of nine months for the agency to determine whether they qualify for disability benefits, according to the VA.

Even as the VA says it is working to fix problems in Baltimore and nationwide, Paul Rieckhoff, founder of Iraq and AfghanistanVeterans of America, calls the situation "shameful."



  1. That's because it is Baltimore and they lowered their standards to hire uneducated minorities to fill quotas.

  2. EVERY office is slow to process disability claims. They might be quicker to deny them though.

    Once they get your money they don't want to give it back.


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