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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Another Arson Fire Reported On Eastern Shore

Parksley, Va. – Another arson has been reported on the Eastern Shore.

An unoccupied outbuilding was set on fire in the 18000 block of Cassatt Avenue in Parksley Saturday night.

The building sustained some structural damage but was not a total loss. There were no injuries


  1. Odd there was a break there, the person doing this sounds like may have been away for the holidays and new year. Or in jail for something else.

  2. Why don't they stop using those drones to spy on innocent Americans and use them to catch this guy?

  3. Because drones are used to impose the will of the government on us,not to help us.

  4. Is this guy cleaning up area of vacant buildings,hard to believe no one has caught this guy I would start with the fire fighters.

  5. I think we need to call in the criminal minds team. THE BAU from the FBI! Come on Dr. Reid!

  6. This better stop Or Obama will seek some kind of Fire Control


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