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Friday, January 11, 2013

Are We Finally Going To See Trash Removal Downtown?

Clearly Mayor Jim Ireton is finally listening but it takes an upcoming election to finally get his attention.

Today, Public Works is out seeking a location in which they can place some dumpsters downtown to help the trash situation. I have been complaining about this problem for many years now. I stated, we pay far more taxes Downtown, (which means people are paying high rent as well) yet we get NO SERVICES whatsoever. 

Do you think Ireton will start pulling the parking meters like I've suggested too? Do you think he'll finally get around to putting up proper signage directing people to the two hour free parking lot? 

Heck, even the Daily Times is planning on running a story this weekend to promote specific businesses here that we suggested several months ago. Obviously someone is starting to listen. Obviously Mayor Ireton is feeling the pressure. 


  1. Ireton is feeling the pressure all right.

    No one is trying to make him look like a fool. He does it all by himself.

    Local downtown residents, Joe, Terry Cohen, Debbie Campbell and numerous others have tried to get Ireton to put down his preening and performances for a little while and actually do the work he was elected to do. He's been too busy attacking others, putting out grand giveaway plans and trying to take credit away from those who really made Third Friday happen to bother with actually making a difference downtown.

    What a fool!

  2. He is trying to steal your limelight.

  3. anonymous 12:53, while that may be true, the most important thing is that it is being addressed.

    The City of Salisbury needs a lot of restructuring and quite frankly Jim has no idea how to do it.

    I have many ideas up my sleeve that I will not share with the general public but one thing is for sure, once elected there isn't a taxpayer or visitor that won't love my ideas. Should the Council accept these plans to move the City forward, Salisbury will be the place to visit.

    It's about VISION. It's about LEADERSHIP. Don't think for a second that people aren't seeing what Ireton is doing. He's stealing every one else's thunder, creativity and ideas.

    Yet you'll be able to swim in the River in 6 more years, according to Ireton. PLLLLLEASE! Do ANY of you choose to swim in that River? Anyhow, at least that was HIS idea anyway. Gives you an idea of what he's actually capable of anyway.

  4. Put your flip-flops on Joe, we can swim with him...not!

  5. He will suggest alot of your ideas joe in the coming months.However a lot will be not done and you will pick up the slack for MOJOS customer.

  6. My son and I had to be in court all day and nothing but metered and police only parking were available. We were not allowed to leave the courtroom, as our case could be called at any time. Yup, two $10 tickets plus the quarters I put in on the chance we would get out early. Oh, we lost in court, too, for about $150.00. I could appeal and wind up winning, but would still have to pay parking or fines to do it. Maybe I'll schedule the appeal for after the April elections. That, and losing a day's pay made for a perfect day.

  7. Iretons idea of change was hiring Gardner and taking advantage of a human resources department that openly discusses peoples personal information. He is a terrible evaluator of talent and his hachet lady Gardner has run rough shot over everything. She's surrounded herself with loyalty at the cost of talent. I guess she knows what happened in Mojos ladies room.

  8. Ok so let's say he takes all of Joes ideas that's great for the City. He should at least give credit to where the idea came from but we all know he will not do that. So once he is done using others ideas will he come up with some of his own for a change? Doubtful, and then you are left with the same on Mayor with no new ideas or how to even do things correctly. I have heard Joe's idea and some of them are truly amazing.


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