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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Women's Incarceration Rate Soars By Over 600 Percent As They Face Abuse Behind Bars

Abuse ranges from outright rape, groping, invasive pat-downs and peeping during showers -- to verbal taunts or harassing comments.
Allowing male guards to oversee female prisoners is a recipe for trouble, says former political prisoner Laura Whitehorn. Now a frequent lecturer on incarceration policies and social justice, Whitehorn describes a culture in which women are stripped of their power on the most basic level. "Having male guards sends a message that female prisoners have no right to defend their bodies," she begins. "Putting women under men in authority makes the power imbalance as stark as it can be, and results in long-lasting repercussions post- release."

1 comment:

  1. Not related to this post but -- Joe, the woman responsible for killing her 2 yr old nephew in Delmar last month went before a judge and was granted a MUCH lesser bail. Where is the justice in this? How do members of the community go about finding out who the judge was and where to send letters in support of this woman's incarceration?


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