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Thursday, December 27, 2012


The 31st annual “Christmas in Washington” concert on TNT December 21 suffered a dramatic 25 percent loss in viewers from the previous year, according to Nielsen Media Research. The 2011 cablecast of “Christmas in Washington” drew 1.5 million viewers. The 2012 showing had only 1.136 million viewers.

The concert, traditionally attended by the President and his family, drew international attention over the scheduled appearance by Gangnam Style rapper PSY (given name Park Jae-sang) when it was revealed the South Korean entertainer had made highly inflammatory, anti-American performances the previous decade.

In an insult to America’s troops and their families, President Barack Obama confirmed his attendance at the taping of the concert several hours before PSY issued a written apology the afternoon the news broke of his anti-American past on Pearl Harbor Day.



  1. Once the news broke, my children and I talked about it and decided that PSY's videos, songs and ridiculous dance would not be part of our household. I wish all of America would boycott him.

  2. Send him packin and Obama with him . Obama is one of them, anti American.

  3. All this dirt-bag cares about is American $$$$ but he bad mouths us screw Him.

  4. Stop, stop. You're breaking my heart........NOT!

  5. Obama is one of them...why else would any sitting President want someone who has said discouraging words about America to perform at the White House...of all places...give me a break...buckle up America we are in for one nasty ride...

  6. i wont pay or listen to this POS!


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