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Thursday, December 13, 2012

The New Government Class

The more dependent this group becomes, and the more it enlarges -- to the benefit of its Democrat benefactors.
The latest unemployment figures are depressing, but not for the usual reasons. They provide further confirmation of Barack Obama's fundamental transformation of America, and specifically through his creation of a growing government class.

The numbers show a massive increase in government jobs created over the last five months -- 621,000, to be exact, dwarfing private-sector job growth. Those new government jobs account for a staggering 73% of overall job growth. In all, it means that 20.6 million citizens now work for government, out of 143 million people employed in America -- or one in seven Americans.

This is exactly what Barack Obama and modern "progressives"/liberals want.

Indeed, the vision and policies and programs of progressives/liberals are rapidly generating a new government class that relies on government for its livelihood. The current such class -- the one that re-elected Barack Obama -- is comprised of federal workers; of state, county, and municipal workers; of employees in public-sector unions; of Americans collecting food stamps, welfare, and unemployment benefits; of those looking to government for their healthcare; and still more. They don't all vote Democrat, but many of them do. Incredibly, there is even a growing group of young women -- supple prey to demagogic Democrat politicians -- who are angrily expecting Uncle Sam to pay for their contraception and abortions.

We might be tempted to corral this new class into Mitt Romney's "47 percent," though the much-maligned Romney label probably underestimates the total. Likewise, these citizens might be targeted to Rush Limbaugh's "Santa Claus" category, though Rush, too, underestimated; after all, Santa Claus bears a mere gift or two once a year. He doesn't provide full-time paychecks.



  1. Because of this new "government class" being the majority they gave Obama and the democrat controlled government the authority to steal from the hard working tax payers. This entitlement class voted to allow Obama to steal from us. It might be the right thing to do to go switch to allowing you to vote only if you are not on welfare.

  2. Additionally - a lot of these government workers are incapable of doing anything more than sitting at a desk to collect a paycheck...and paid a GS-unbelievable salary.

  3. Anonymous said...
    Additionally - a lot of these government workers are incapable of doing anything more than sitting at a desk to collect a paycheck...and paid a GS-unbelievable salary.

    December 13, 2012 11:08 AM

    Look at the Salisbury Fire Department and the 12 new paid firemen they hired with that free government money. They are going to do nothing more than collect a pay check for sleeping every single night of the week. And from what I understand the really scraped the bottom of the bucket when they hired most of them.


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