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Thursday, December 13, 2012

English-Only Ordinance Hotly Debated At Public Hearing In Carroll County

Applause and jeers were heard as people strongly expressed their opposing opinions for and against a proposed ordinance designating English as the official language of Carroll County.

Dozens of men and women of different colors and from different backgrounds crowded into the meeting room in the downstairs of the Carroll County Office Building on Tuesday to debate the proposed ordinance. About 50 people commented during the two-and-a-half hour public hearing, with the majority opposing the proposal.

Those who spoke against the proposal said it was divisive, pointless and unwelcoming to non-English speakers. Those who supported the proposal said it would protect the use of English in the county and would save the county money. The commissioners left the record open for 10 days, at which point they will vote on the proposed ordinance.



  1. I hope it passes and any politician who votes against English only should be ran out of office. The cost of supplying Spanish interpreters to undocumented democrats is astronomical and who gets to pay for it? That's right, the few remaining working tax payers have to foot the bill.

  2. Really, 10:35? How much is being spent in Carroll County to supply English interpreters to undocumented Democrats? You seem to know for sure just how much it costs and I can't seem to find it. Please share it with the rest of us.

  3. Re: 10:35 --"should be ran"? Your comment would have been more valid had you chosen to use correct grammar!

  4. Learn English or get the hell out of the country.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Really, 10:35? How much is being spent in Carroll County to supply English interpreters to undocumented Democrats? You seem to know for sure just how much it costs and I can't seem to find it. Please share it with the rest of us.

    December 13, 2012 11:06 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Re: 10:35 --"should be ran"? Your comment would have been more valid had you chosen to use correct grammar!

    December 13, 2012 11:18 AM

    Obviously Democrats defending the non-English speaking Democrats.

  6. 11:06 - if it is a penny - it is too much!

  7. IT does save money. In the end it makes us at least have one thing in common and that could help bring us back together. Look at history, divisiveness brings down civilizations.


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