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Monday, December 17, 2012

T-Shirt Of The Day


  1. I guess I was misinformed. I was taught that God is omnipresent. God is everywhere.

  2. 12:54
    man has freewill to do good or evil that is why there is a heaven and a hell

  3. You are not misinformed at all. God is just not allowed to be mentioned in schools along with His message of peace and love. We are only allowed to teach facts, not life and love.

  4. God IS everywhere, and he gave us a free will which allows us to choose evil rather than good. Let's all of us who believe pray that we and all of our leaders will always choose good, even though evil often appears to be more attractive and advantageous.

  5. "even though evil often appears to be more attractive and advantageous"

    Truer words have never been spoken Queensgirl52. I would also like to add that evil is often easier since it takes no will power. It's easier to throw a fit of anger and resort to violence than to use will power to control it.

  6. There all of you go again trying to figure out why god does what he does.Just quit trying.You sound foolish.Only god knows.

  7. 309 your right God allows us free will...man not God performs these actions. !! so your gonna tell me you dont know right from wrong?..if we all acted like God wanted us too! do you think we would be seeing this evil ! I do know he crys everyday we move closer to the free will of evil

  8. 1:18....you are so delusional that it bears notation. Our schools do NOT teach facts anymore. Facts are racist, misogynist, culturally offensive, and "hurtful". The Japanese didn't "attack" us; we MADE them do it with our 'imperalist' designs on the world, etc, etc, etc. We teach "understanding", "self-esteem", "diversity", and "relative morality"....Kids get out of high school and can't tell you ANY "facts" about our country, its history, it's important movers and shakers (except for Martin Luther King), its ideals, ANYTHING. But they FEEL GOOD about themselves...until they try to fill out their first job application. Then, all of their exemplary reading, writing, and comprehension skills come to light and then they go apply for welfare. Because any job other than "laborer" or "cashier" or "stocker" is beyond their ability.

  9. first of all the slogan is a load of crap....the violence that occured on friday morning had nothing to do with god in anyway shape or form. We were given our own free will from birth.The religious right would have you believe this slogan...and its crap. religion is everyones free choice and no one religion is the correct one. people commit the violence in our schools and they were given that free right by god.... like it or not. so lets get off the whole god in school high horse. the religious right anymore is the religious wrong in sooo many ways.....

  10. 6:30 you will never understand.


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