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Monday, December 17, 2012

Murder Defendant Wants New Representation

The Pocomoke man whose murder conviction was overturned in April wants a different attorney, but his behavior in court last week drew the ire of the judge.

In Circuit Court in Snow Hill last Thursday, James Edward Ballard, 32, ranted about his displeasure with Burton Anderson, the longtime public defender who represented him during the trial.

“I don’t want to represent myself, but I don’t want him to represent me,” Ballard told Judge Thomas C. Groton III. “We don’t see eye to eye.”

Groton said that Ballard had not given him any good reason why he wanted a different defense attorney and said Anderson “is as good as the best there is and better than most. You’ll be adequately represented by Mr. Anderson.”



  1. All that means, is that if he is convicted again, he will appeal again, based on inadequate representation and it will get overturned again, costing the tax payers another 50-100k.

  2. Just hang the dirty mongrel.

  3. The cream of the crop become Public Defenders lol

    That's like expecting to not buy crap while shopping at wally world

  4. Burton Anderson has tried more murder cases than all other Wor county lawyers public and private combined. The indigents are lucky to have such an advocate. Anderson was the lawyer for Ben Sifrit and was able to convince the jury to come back with a 2nd degree verdict while the supposedly "high powered" expensive attorney retained by Ericka wasn't so "successful."
    I was on the fringes looking in on the Sifrit cases and as soon as I heard Anderson was assigned I knew the uphill battle had started. I've always said (and there isn't a lawyer anywhere that I can't afford) if I were ever charged with a serious crime I would want him as an attorney.

  5. Ballard is just another dirt bag that shouldn't even be allowed the luxury to breath. He's a worthless parasite that a one bullet solution could take care of. But then again why waste the ammunition since ropes are reusable and can be recycled if stretched to much. Public hangings for parasites should be allowed.

  6. Burton Anderson and Pete Wimbrow together would be a murder defendant's Dream Team. Both of them possess legal knowledge unparalled and are quite capable of defending those charged w/serious crimes, but together I believe they would be phenomenal.

  7. Talk about a fool. Ballard is a complete unadulterated dumb arse! Anderson is the only reason his conviction was overturned by the COSA to begin with. Anderson saw and preserved an issue (ruling on jury instructions) he realized could quite possibly be overturned on appeal.

  8. He wants different representation? ...Let him pay for it!

  9. He'll figure it out 3:01. When you're a loser/entitlement King who never gave one thought to providing for yourself, you are at the mercy and a slave of the government. Just another stupid peon who acted irresponsibly his whole adult life and now sits and wonders why he can't have his choice of representation.


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